Chapter One: Jumped

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"Darry!" The scream was muffled and laughter erupted.

"Soda!" Ponyboy yelled again, his voice barely audible over the yelling of socs.

"Hold him down! Don't let him escape!" One of them demanded. 

Then I heard Ponyboy scream in pain. They had gone too far once again.

I started running from my spot on the porch, yelling for each member of the gang. It was impressive how quickly they fell into line right behind me, coming from different directions. We proceeded to chase away the socs, which was easy because it was seven against five. Dallas chased after them with a plank of wood he found lying on the ground, while Steve and Sodapop jumped on their red Mustang. The car sped off quickly, with Two-Bit and Steve swearing at it. Johnny just looked angry and slightly terrified, kicking rocks as he made his way over to the porch. He had been jumped a few months ago and never fully recovered— now scarred mentally and physically. Now that I think about it, he always looks kind of terrified.

"They pull a blade on you?" My older brother, Sodapop, questioned. Ponyboy, my younger brother, nodded his head as he wiped away his tears.

"They've gone far enough. This is getting out of hand. Now we can't even walk alone in broad daylight?" I asked, furious.

 That damn rivalry, all because of money. Why do they have to hate us just because we're poor and they're rich?

"That's just the way it is. Should've carried a blade. You never use your head!" Darry, my oldest brother, scolded.

"Lay off. If he were carrying a blade, it'd been a great excuse to cut his neck a little more," Soda defended. Darry rolled his eyes and walked into the house, defeated. 

"Hey Dal- What are ya doing out of the cooler? I though you were in for a month," Johnny piped in. He didn't show it, but I had known him long enough to tell that he was excited. Ol' Dallas was his role model, after all. Lord knows why.

"Yeah, got out early. Good behavior, man," he replied.

"I see ya got your Christopher back, Dal," Pony added, "Things didn't work out between you and Sylvia?"

"Naw, man. Little broad was two-timing me while I was in jail. It's cool. I'll see y'all later," he said as he walked off, probably to get drunk at Buck's. 

For some reason, I was glad things didn't go well between him and Sylvia. I don't know why- he's like family to me and I should feel bad for him. But I didn't. 

The group gradually dispersed after Dallas left, whether they had jobs to get to or homework- like Pony and me. Darry never missed the opportunity to remind us about that. But to be fair, he is a mother of three at the young age of 20 years old. He had to give up his promising life for us, for the gang, so we should really try to be a little more grateful. 

He is a little too overprotective though, especially when it comes to boys. No dating until I'm 16 and I have to have his approval. But his approval is a hard thing to gain. He's judgmental of other  greasers and especially socs, so I don't really have too many options.

I shook myself from my thoughts and realized that the only other person left outside was Johnny, who was sitting beside me on the front steps, also lost in his own mind. 

"I'm gonna go inside and get started on my homework with Pony, you wanna come?" I asked him, standing up and heading towards the screen door.

"No thanks, I'm gonna go sit in the lot for a bit. It's a nice day out. I'll see ya later," he said, walking off into the sunset. 

I closed the screen door behind me and sighed. I couldn't figure out why I felt the way I did about Dally and Sylvia, and it was slowly driving me crazy. I didn't like Dallas Winston nothing more as a friend. I couldn't. It would never work out, much less be allowed by the gang. I'm too much of a "good girl."

And everyone knows, Dallas Winston doesn't date good girls.

"Alexis Grace Curtis! Get started on your homework!" Darry hollered from his usual spot in the recliner, reading a newspaper.

I slightly chuckled to myself and made my way to Ponyboy and Soda's room, where Pony was probably procrastinating his own by reading.

Sure enough, he was. I've got the gang pretty much figured out at this point. 15 years and you start to pick up on some things, like the fact that Dally likes exciting girls who'll end up cheating on him in a few weeks. He doesn't want some goody-two-shoes who's looking for a real relationship—

Like me. 


Author's Note:

Finished with chapter one! It's not great, but I hope it introduces the characters and conflicts well. I kinda hate writing exposition, so it'll get better as the story continues. Where is it going to go from here? I honestly have no idea, we'll just have to see. The others will probably be this short, though, because I like chapters that you can read in one sitting. Again, we'll see!


Here's a little description of Alexis, since I couldn't figure out where to fit it in:

- Medium brown hair

- Hazel eyes

- Light, slightly tanned skin

- 15 years old (sophomore in high school)

- Nicknames Include: Lex, Lexie, and Grace

- Doesn't get into trouble, just like Soda and Pony (because Darry would kill them)

- Gets good grade, just like Pony

- Sympathetic, just like Soda

- Tends to be more extroverted


That's all for now! Hope you enjoy and stay gold 🌅

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