Chapter 1

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Authors Note: Hi guys, I really don't need to be making another story when I have two other books not completed but here I am <3
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East Blue City - 1998 - Winter
Reader Pov

I put on my jacket as I walk out with my roommate, Robin. It was the first night in a while we were able to go out together, as she is a part time student and worker, and I work 3 part time jobs. We had wanted to get out finally, away from all the stressful chaos we endure.

"Ahh (Y/n)... It's nice to go get dinner and go clubbing once in a while." She says linking her arms with me.

I smile and agree, it had been way too long. I felt tired from working so much, but hanging out with Robin for the first time in months, it was all worth it instead of a little extra sleep.

"We should be careful though, the rivalry between the two tyrants has gotten more extreme. we should definitely head back home before 12." Robin says.

I nod in agreement again, unable to find words to add further. Robin was the smartest woman I know, I truly respected her for her talent. I knew she was gonna be able to leave this slum city and do big things.

As we finally reached the nice restaurant she chose, I sighed in content as the warmth from the inside hit my skin. It had been really cold the whole walk there, so it was refreshing. Robin and I sat down and basked in the warm atmosphere.

"Hello and good evening. I am Patty and I will be your server tonight." A bald man says holding out a notepad.

My eyes scan the menu as Robin asked him about the wine collection. I zoned out a bit while looking at food descriptions, Robin nudging my arm.

"Hey do you want a red or white?" She asks.

"Oh, whatever you choose i'll drink." I say.

Robin turns back and orders a red wine, I go back to reading again. I finally find a dish, and tell the waiter what I want. He walks away, and Robin smiles at me.

"So, how have you been? We haven't gotten to hang much since we started rooming together." She asks.

It was true. Robin and I have been good friends since high school. We met while being on the debate team. That was when I noticed Robin's potential. At that moment I wanted to be her friend forever, and she felt the same. We went to the same community college, until my parents passed away in a car accident. Unfortunately, I was hit with a lot of debt with so many expenses, forcing me to quit school.

"I've been good, just working a lot. I see a variety of people each day." I say laughing.

"Oh my (Y/n)."Robin says.

I swallow hard as she looks at me with concern. Robin always goes on a tangent when in regards to my life. I try to avoid her eyes as she clicks her tongue.

"I can always quit and work more jobs to help you, you can get out of these stupid debts your parents left you-"

"Robin, please. I promise you, i'm alright. Last time I checked, I only owe like 10,000 left. That will be easy!" I say while giving her a reassuring smile.

I didn't want Robin to give up school. Like I said, she had so much potential. The unfortunate thing was, she thought I did too. I never really cared as much, since a lot of things would keep happening in my life. I just wanted to live normally, just average.

"You're not typical are you, my (Y/n)?" Robin asks.

"Oh Robin, i'm as average as can be." I say laughing.

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