Chapter Nine

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We all laughed at Urban's response. I probably did need something to help calm me down. I had no idea what I was getting myself into with this — I've never even been to a concert. Just the idea of it has always been too overstimulating for my anxiety. Crowds, loud noise, and unfamiliar places are a recipe for disaster for me.

Brie walked into our room and came out with a pack of hemp wraps and a small baggie with about two grams of weed in it.

"Where are we gonna smoke?" Brie asked.

"Uh, the bathroom?" Urban asked, seemingly confused.

"Our landlord is cool, but he's not that cool. We're not supposed to smoke in here," Brie responded.

"Have I taught you nothing from our hotel bathroom session last night? Shower and intake fan on, towels under the doors. It's foolproof," he explained.

"If you're sure..." Brie trailed, questioning his confidence in the plan.

"Positive. We do it all the time," Urban confirmed, taking the wraps out of Brie's hand and opening them. He grabbed the baggie from her and started to roll up.

"I don't think you guys realize how small our bathroom is. Like, we're literally going to be on top of each other," I remarked.

"I don't see a problem with that," Jack smirked, inciting laughter from Brie and Urban. I rolled my eyes, laughing with them. Jack and I locked eyes for a quick moment before Urban spoke up.

"It's ready," he said, holding up the blunt.

"Perfect. Let's pile in, then, before Hal gets here," I responded. We all headed for the bathroom. It was equipped with a small sink, smaller toilet, a mirror that opened into a medicine cabinet, and a shower. The standing room was enough for one small person on a good day.

Brie turned the shower on as Urban flipped the fan on. I grabbed a couple towels and handed one to Jack, both of us stuffing them under the doors.

Jack slid down the door, sitting across from the sink. Urban and Brie sat against the opposite door in front of the shower. I shimmied my way in between Jack legs, as Brie had done with Urban. We were packed so closely that I was touching some part of everyone's body at once.

Urban pulled a lighter out of his pocket. It was red and adorned with lettering that said, "Let's Flick and Chill". I silently laughed to myself as he lit the blunt, taking the first hit.

"Ashtray?" he asked.

"Jack – reach under the sink and grab one of the mini Dixie cups," I commanded. He reached over, grabbed a cup, and set it in the middle, between Brie and I.

We passed the blunt around rather quickly, knowing we were slightly pressed for time. 2 grams wasn't much for 4 people anyways, but being that I don't smoke regularly and we were basically hot-boxing my bathroom, I was fairly fried.

Jack looked down at me as he handed the roach back to Urban. "Are you good?" he laughed, noting my blank stare and barely-open eyes.

I looked back at him through thin, bloodshot eyes. "Never better," I smiled.

"When did you say your driver was picking us up?" Brie asked, taking a small hit off of the remnants of the blunt.

"Oh, shit. Like now," Jack responded after checking his phone. We all moved quickly turning off the shower, fan, and gathering our things to rush out the door.

"Are you positive there is nothing we need to bring?" I asked while grabbing my lanyard, still slightly nervous.

"Anything you could possibly need or want will be at the venue," Jack responded, following Brie and Urban out the door. I did a once over of the house and ran out the door, making sure it shut and locked behind me.

First Class ✈︎ Jack Harlow (BRIEF HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now