Chapter Two

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We only waited on the sidewalk about a minute before the Uber arrived. A large, black SUV pulled up next to us.

Jay held the door open for me as I crawled to the driver's side captain's chair. I smiled at the driver, slightly embarrassed by the fact that I was soaking wet and covered in mud, getting into what appeared to be more like an Uber Lux. Jay was wet, but he didn't seem bothered - probably because he wasn't caked in mud from face-planting into the street. I tried to lighten up the mood to hopefully overshadow the fact that I was absolutely getting these tan leather seats dirty.

"I've never gotten an Uber in the city that fast in my life. Y'all must have a connection!"

The driver gave me a half-smile and a chuckle, nodding at Jay as he buckled his seatbelt and shut the door.

"Are you from here?" The driver asked us.

"I've only lived here since starting college about 3 years ago. I'm originally from Illinois. Jay is just here for the weekend from - actually, where are you from?" I inquired.

"Louisville," Jay answered, smiling big and making an 'L' shape with his hand.

"You're from the Midwest too?" I asked, kind of shocked. "My hometown is only about 4 hours from there. Small world."

"You have no idea," Jay laughed.

"No idea about what?" I inquired, puzzled.

"Just how small the world is," he replied, plainly.

I chuckled, awkwardly, not fully understanding what he was getting at. "Yeah, I guess you'd be right. I actually have a huge fear of flying. I always drive. Maybe the world would seem smaller if I were ever brave enough to look out the plane window the few times I've gone."

"For real? Well, I've got a fear of driving. I don't even like being in the car driving through the city, to be honest with you."

"I guess it's just a control thing for me. Once I get on the plane, I've just gotta sit there and hope everything goes smoothly."

"A control freak, huh?" Jay joked. "I can be like that too."

"Sounds like a clash of personalities."

"What's your sign?" Jay snapped quickly.



"March 3rd."

Jay smirked. "Yeah, a definite clash of personalities. Mine's March 13th."

I laughed lightly. I didn't really know how to continue the conversation. I don't know much about Zodiac signs, outside of my own and that it is a fish. Brie, on the other hand, was an expert. I made a mental note to ask her more about it at home.

We sat in an awkward silence for about 3 minutes that felt more like 3 hours. I checked Google Maps and we were still about 5 minutes from the hotel.

I saw my message notifications and realized I had forgotten to text Brie.

Shit. I forgot to text Brie and she got a notification that I was driving, and not towards our apartment. And the first text was from 7 minutes ago.

"???????????" she sent with a screenshot of my location.

"mA'AM where tf are you going!"

"are you alive???? safe????? kidnapped?????"

"jenna i swear to FUCK if you don't text me back in 2 minutes I'm calling the cops"

And now she's Facetiming me.

I answered the call but turned the volume down low to preserve the silence.

First Class ✈︎ Jack Harlow (BRIEF HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now