Chapter 2: Fuck off

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Beep! Beep...Be-fuck, I'm late. I climbed off the hard springy bed that occupies the cold harsh floor with a small groan of pain. I brushed my teeth and my hair, also cleaning my open wounds because, I don't want them to get infected again.

I pulled on baggy cargo pants and a oversized t-shirt that has the slipknot band name on it which I have had since 8th grade, it's a cool shirt so fuck it. Topping off the "totally cool" outfit I pulled on my beat up black vans that were too small for my feet. I don't have many clothes but the ones I have get me by.

I finished breakfast for Ryan and waited for him to finish his meal while I sat there quietly. "Breakfast was fucking cold you fucking slut!" Ryan smacked me across the face and kicked my knees inward making me fall to the harsh ground.

"Go to school before I kill you this time, you useless whore." He said stepping over me. I kinda wish I was dead maybe then I would meet Helen Keller and beat the fuck out of her.

Sadly I knew I had to get off the floor because if he knew I was late for school or work...let's just say I won't just have broken ribs and a hand print on my face.

While I was walking to school I ran into my boyfriend Derrick.

"Hey Derrick!" I tapped his shoulder and he spun around and pulled me into a rough kiss. He was a good kisser I guess but then again he is the only person I have kissed so I wouldn't know either way.

"A simply 'hey baby' would've been good as well but thank you." I whispered while putting some space between us. "Yeah well go to class baby, or I will fuck you right here." He said chuckling while kissing my forehead.

"Funny, baby you know I'm waiting till we hit one year." I said awkwardly chuckling, I soon turned serious when I'd seen him looking at me with a deadly glare."Whatever, bye." He grumbled while walking away.

Well, I don't think that went well. He always gets like that whenever I bring it up but I always shrug it off, thinking he is just having another bad morning. I kept my head down while continuing my walk into the dreadful school campus.

Time skip🦋

School was the same as it is every day, boring as hell. Derrick said he's going out tonight, so I just started my daily walk back to the house seeing as I have no work today sadly.

It's not like we usually hang out anyways since he's always hanging out around his "boys" and also I can't leave the house.

Again I shrug it off, as I was walking back to the house i felt the strange feeling I was being followed. Me being oblivious again. Shrugged it off. I do a lot of shrugging things off. Oh well.

Time skip🦋

Around 1 AM I got a text.

Derrick🪨: heyyy, come pick me up.

Me: the club?

I waited a few minutes silently praying that he would just say no and just be somewhere else..clubs have always scared me on a deep level.

After about a minute my phones notification bell went off causing me to groan in frustration.

Derrick🪨: yes.

I groaned while calling a Uber even though the club is only about five minutes away from the house. It took up most of my $20 that I just earned. But I shrugged it off, it's my boyfriend and he needs help.

My mind started to scold me. Gosh Aria, be more considerate, he is your boyfriend he would do the same for you! I pushed those thoughts away and tried to focus at the task on hand. Focus Aria, focus.

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