Chapter 51 - The sexy Greek

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Charlotte's POV

"Fuck!" Alex exclaimed and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me towards him roughly, catching me off guard before smashing his lips against mine.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, letting my dress slide down to my waist, responding to his demanding kiss. He pulled me with him while kissing me feverishly and pushed me against the wall. I moaned, running my hands through his hair.

"You are driving me crazy." He confessed huskily and smashed his lips against mine.

A soft moan escaped from my mouth as he squeezed my breast. I ran my hands along his back while he moved his lips from my lips to my neck. His every kiss set me on fire; I was burning for him. He slid his hand through my dress, pulling it up and pressed his hard length against my stomach, stroking my thigh.

In a swift movement, he picked me up, placing several kisses on my neck and shoulder. I wrapped my legs around his waist, enjoying my gorgeous Greek god's touches.

"Alex! Are you in your bedroom?"

"Fuck!" Alexis hissed under his breath and pulled back as we heard his mother's voice.

I gave him a panicked look while he was still holding me in his arms. Alex put me down carefully and responded to his mother, rushing towards the door. I adjusted my dress nervously like I was a teenager who got caught while making out with her boyfriend.

"Yes, Mom?" He shouted without opening the door as he tightened his towel around his waist.

"Haven't you got ready yet? We are going to be late." His mother replied.

"We will be in the living room in fifteen minutes." Alex informed her, running his hand through his hair.

"Fine. Be quick!"

We breathed deeply as we heard his mother walking away.

"Rain check?" He gave me an apologetic look. I nodded, disappointed.


I was sipping my champagne while watching the bride and groom dancing; they looked so in love.

"Koukla mou." Alex said huskily, wrapping his arms around my waist behind me, and placed a soft kiss on my neck, pressing me against his firm body.

I smiled, cupping his cheek, and turned my face towards him. Then I placed a chaste kiss on his lips, still in his arms.

"Alexis, Charlotte?"

We pulled away from each other as his grandfather approached us and greeted us happily.

"Grandpa, how are you?" Alex asked politely after giving him a hug.

"I will be better if the next wedding will be yours." He replied firmly, giving him a knowing look. "Don't take it too long, boy!" He added in an authoritative tone, tapping on Alex's shoulder, and walked away, leaving us alone.

"It seems Grandpa won't leave us alone till we get married." Alex commented sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me towards him.

"Yes, he is determined." I agreed, smiling in amusement.

"Alex, come on. We are dancing Zeibekiko." Markos said joyfully, calling Alex with a hand gesture while a few men gathered on the dance floor.

"Zeibekiko?" I asked, giving Alex an intrigued look.

"It is a Greek traditional dance." He informed me as he held my hand and led us towards the dance floor.

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