Chapter 15 - The little bunny

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Charlotte's POV

I approached Nathan and placed a soft kiss on his lips, greeting him.

"Do you need any help?" I asked, gesturing to the coffee stain on his pants.

Nathan breathed deeply and shook his head. "I have to make an important call. Then I will go to my suite and change it." He replied, tired and leaned against his seat.

"Hmm... May I choose it for you?" I asked seductively and leaned against his desk. My skirt pulled up slightly, exposing my thigh to him.

He cleared his throat and pulled his eyes off my legs. "How can I say no to you?" He said huskily, his gaze intense.

I gave him a self-satisfied smile. He grabbed my hand and placed a soft kiss on my palm.

"Who was she? I haven't seen her in the hotel before." I asked in curiosity, pretending that I hadn't seen her before.

"She has recently started working here." He replied nonchalantly and heaved a loud sigh, grabbing his phone.

"Don't you like her?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. I knew him very well; it seemed he wasn't so fond of her.

He sighed, rubbing his forehead. "She is clumsy and... weird. I asked the manager to keep an eye on her. I will decide if she stays or not later." He stated firmly.

I nodded. "Well, make your call. Then change your pants, and we can go to the restaurant. I am starving."

"Fine. I am calling now. However, I can't say we will leave my suite immediately. Don't forget you promised to choose pants for me. And I don't like anything easily." He commented hoarsely, his gaze dark with desire and winked at me.

"Don't worry. You will be satisfied." I stated seductively, leaning towards him slightly, and bit my lower lip provocatively.


I grinned, amused as Sienna sent me my niece's photo. Romeo and she had their first baby a few days ago. My little Amber was so beautiful and cute. They left the hospital yesterday. I looked forward to seeing her again. Today I was planning to visit her. I missed my little niece terribly.

After finishing my work at the agency, I went to the mall to buy a gift for Amber. Then I went to their mansion.

"How is my bunny?" I cooed Amber as soon as I saw my niece who was in my brother's arms.

"She kept us awake all night." Sienna commented sleepily and smiled at her daughter tenderly.

"Are you naughty, little bunny?" I cooed her and tried to hold her, but Romeo pulled away slightly. I raised my eyebrow, looking at Romeo. "Hey, give me my niece."

"No, my princess wants to be in her father's arms." He pouted and walked towards the couch, making funny faces at Amber.

"He hasn't put her down since this morning, excluding when I have to feed her." Sienna commented, shaking her head, and sat down on the couch.

"Don't you have any work in the company?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips.

"No. I asked Dad to attend my meetings instead of me." He replied, stroking Amber's head gently without taking his eyes off his daughter.

"Romeo Asher Wright! Give Amber to me now!" I demanded firmly.

"No." He shook his head, furrowing his eyebrows.

"You wanted it." I gave him a devilish smirk, approaching him, and grabbed a handful of his hair.

"Charlotte!" He cried out in pain. "Let go of me!" He demanded, trying to pull back, but I didn't let him. "Fine, fine. Just ten minutes." He said angrily and extended Amber towards me carefully.

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