Chapter 39 - A team

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Charlotte's POV

"Do you have any other bright ideas?" I asked sarcastically, leaning against the headboard, and folded my arms over my chest while he was putting on his shirt in his bedroom.

His grandfather and mother arrived this morning. Alexis booked suites in the hotel for them. When he informed his family about it, his grandpa refused, saying they would stay in Alexis' penthouse to spend more time with us, catching us off guard. Now, Alex and I are forced to stay together in his bedroom; moreover, there was no couch here. So we had to share the bed.

"Fine, I accept. It didn't go as planned."He sighed as he lay down beside me on the bed and rubbed the back of his neck uneasily.

I rolled my eyes. "Your grandfather is more cunning than I thought." I commented and heaved a loud sigh. "Are you sure we can convince him about our relationship?" I asked, worried.

He gave me a warm smile and held my hand. "Don't worry. We will handle it together. He can be a cunning man, but don't forget I am his grandson." He stated arrogantly and winked at me, squeezing my hand.

I chucked in amusement, still holding his hand.

"We will see." I said cockily and gave him a mischievous grin.

"Trust your fiance." He winked at me playfully.

Alexis' POV

I was looking for Charlotte to suggest having dinner at the restaurant with my family. Yesterday we visited her parents and had dinner together. Our families got along very well; however, I didn't think it was a good or bad thing because they would join forces to get us married as soon as possible. They had already started thinking where and how the wedding could be. Fortunately, Charlotte and I managed to calm them and informed our families that we wanted to stay engaged for a while.

When I wanted to walk into the kitchen, I stopped as I heard my grandfather and housekeeper's conversation. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, hiding behind the wall, and started listening to them as I heard they were talking about Charlotte and me.

"Don't forget what I told you. Keep your eye on them." My grandfather ordered in a bossy tone.

"Fine, sir. I will inform you if I find something suspicious about their relationship." The housekeeper, Norma, said, nodding.

I gritted my teeth in irritation and walked away quietly before they noticed me.


This man has no boundaries. He would do everything to get what he wants.

Fortunately, Norma was sick last week and didn't work. Otherwise, my grandpa would find out I lied to him.

I have to talk to Charlotte as soon as possible and we have to plan what we will do about Norma. Charlotte will freak out when I tell her she has to stay here longer despite the fact my grandpa and mother are going back to Greece tomorrow morning.

I found Charlotte in my study room talking on the phone. I gave her a slight smile as I walked into the room and closed the door behind me.

"Is everything fine?" She asked as soon as she hung up her phone.

"We have a problem." She raised her eyebrow, giving me a questioning look. I heaved a loud sigh, running my hand through my hair, and started telling her what I heard.

"Damn it! What will we do now?" She asked, panicked.

"You have to stay here longer." I replied firmly.

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