~ Chapter 1 ~

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Elora's POV

"Elora Shaylie Alenefar!" Yelled Tiergan from downstairs in some other part of the castle-like house. "I told you to meet me in the entrance hall in five minutes! It's been five minutes, and I don't see you here!"

I groaned loudly. "Remind me where we're going and why!?" I shouted back as I got up and walked to the mirror.

I undid my hair from its usual dutch braid and gently brushed my hair so that the waves would stay.

"Alden has summoned us to come meet him at Everglen!" My father replied from the entrance hall, I assumed. "He claims it's important. Wylie's gone out and since your last stunt, I still don't trust you home alone!"

I snickered lightly. I had let a gulon loose in a booby-trapped home. Well more like small set-ups to scare a fairly short being. I had set those up earlier throughout the week then when Tiergan had some business out of the house, I let a gulon move about. It stank up the place badly, but I made sure not to put any set-ups near my room.

"Will I need my elixir!?" I half yelled, while looking at the bottles lined up on the desk. Each of them held the ability to change my eyes from their natural gold to a sparkling midnight blue with an undertone of purple.

"No!" He shouted back. "Don't drink it, and hurry it up!"

"Ok I get it!" I yelled. "And I'm coming! Just let me get this stu– ... piece of wood out of my hair!"

I could practically envision his snort at my failed attempt and not saying the word 'stupid'.

"Finally!" Tiergan exclaimed the moment I came down the stairs. "What took you forever? And I do hope you didn't break your brush this time." Gesturing towards my let down hair.

I rolled my eyes in response. "I started daydreaming again, okay? And no I didn't break my brush. The piece of wood was something I picked up while rolling down the mountain side."

Tiergan's face went from its olive complexion to deathly pale. I snorted.

"No, I'm teasing." I reassured him. "I was logging in my journal and looking for starfae eggs, I guess a twig got caught in my hair."

He let out a relieved sigh and led me outside to the steps. Tiergan gave me one last suspicious look before letting the light carry us away.

Third Person, Following Sophie POV

"So what am I supposed to—"

Sophie's question was cut short by a flash of light that made everyone shield

their faces. When Sophie opened her eyes, a tall elf in a simple black tunic and a brunette girl close to Sophie's age but much shorter strode toward them. The male's olive skin stood in sharp contrast to his pale blond hair and the girl's fair skin, and while his face held youth, something ancient shone in his dark blue eyes.

"You've got some nerve summoning me," he shouted, stepping right next to Alden. He was a couple inches shorter, but he didn't seem the least bit intimidated by the height difference. "I'd sooner be exiled than train anyone in your family."

Fitz seemed to tense up with anger, while the girl cringed at the statement. The girl also sent Fitz an apologetic look, while Alden hadn't even reacted toward the harsh comment. Once the girl caught sight of Sophie, she looked at Tiergan then turned her gaze to Sophie with wide and curious eyes.

GOLDEN eyes!, thought Sophie with a jolt of realisation. The girl seemed to notice Sophie's reaction because a touch of pink creeped up onto her cheeks and she looked down.

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