twelve- the runway, pt 2

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( episode eight- the runway, part 2 )

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( episode eight- the runway, part 2 )


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AFTER AN EXHILARATING SLEEPOVER WITH SARAH CAMERON, LIA'S HEART WAS SHROUDED IN UNCERTAINTY. The once unspoken agreement of avoiding emotional entanglements between them seemed to have dissipated into thin air. Aelia couldn't help but sense a shift in the air, a subtle change between her and Sarah.

With a flurry of conflicting thoughts racing through her mind, Aelia ventured to the chateau, her place away from the world, to reunite with the friends she had distanced herself from the previous night. The whereabouts of John B eluded her, and she had no clue where her friends might be. However, her intuition led her to the chateau, her second home.

As Lia treaded through the familiar door of John B's house in search of her missing friends, the memory of Pope's piercing words on the boat replayed in her mind.

"Where were you when Lia tried to kill herself?"

Her steps quickened, and anxiety enveloped her senses, distorting her vision like a fish-eye lens. Lia glanced down, only to find her hands trembling uncontrollably. A surge of blood throbbed in her ears, an unwelcome pounding that unsettled her. She needed to calm down.

Staggering backward, Aelia's back met the chill of a cold wall, and she slowly slid down. Breathe, Lia. With every ounce of her being, she attempted to draw in a deep, calming breath, but she couldn't. Drawing her knees closer to her chest, she clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms. Each breath became a monumental struggle, and tears welled in her eyes while her chest constricted, tightening its grip as bile surged in her throat.

SOMEWHERE ONLY WE KNOW...Kiara CarreraWhere stories live. Discover now