ii. when all falls down, go back to the beginning

Start from the beginning

He walked in and grabbed green suitcase, placing Ae's clothes inside. He picked all his favorites, the rest will stay. After everything will be done maybe they will let them get back or at least get their stuff. Porsché placed Ae's favorite toy inside as well, a mini guitar. His son got that from Kim, he thought. Porsché himself liked to play music but not so much. He remembered how much music instruments he had in his penthouse. Porsché closed the suitcase and after some thoughts he went to the triplets room, finding Porsche there. His brother was sitting on the floor, staring at the three koala plushies on the carpet. They were their favorite. He sat next to him and wrapped his arm around him.

"They will be fine. We will get them back, you know that. As long as they don't know whose kids their are, safer they are. And they won't say," Porsché said.

Porsche just nodded numbly, his eyes focused on the toys.

"I will take their things, they will have them when... when... when we will get them,"

12 hours later

Porsche stopped the car before the gate to the mansion. He could see some of the bodyguards tensing, their eyes on their car immediately. He breathed out and looked at Porsché, who was staring at the building. Ale was babbling to himself on the backseat, playing with the McDonald's toy. Porsche really didn't want to get back to the house, it held too much memories for him. It held too much of his pain and misery. But here he was. He rolled down the window and looked at the screen.

"Let us in," he said simply and the gate opened.

He drive to the stairs they led to the door. On the small patio, Khun Korn was standing with Kim, who looked older and more dark then before. They were staring at Porsche and Porsché, not being able to see Ae thanks to tinned windows. Porsche killed the engine and walked out. His face made bodyguards tense even more. He held his head high and met Khun Korn's eyes. There was some sort of regret in the older man's eyes that Porsche could not explain. Or maybe he could, the man thought about everything his sons did to them.

"Porsche, Porsché. As I understand you are not here without a reason for it," Khun Korn walked down to them, his eyes calm and warm.

Porsché opened the backdoor and took Ae out, letting the little boy's giggles fill the garden. Khun Korn's eyes softened immediately, looking at the boy. Ae sensing someone new, looked at them. He blinked and reached out his arms looking delighted.

"Papa! Papa back!"

Porsche froze and looked at Kim in surprise when he moved fast past his father and caught the little boy who hugged him tightly. Porsché looked just as stunned. Khun Korn coughed and walked closer.

"I think we should talk inside, your things will be brought in," Khun Korn turned to his personal bodyguard, who just said something to the phone he was on and soon all of them were walking on of the corridors in the mansion.

Ae stubbornly held onto his father, while he demanded his dad walk next to them. Porsché, who was way too weak for his son's puppy eyes, agreed and he was walking too close to Kim to his liking. Porsche was right behind them with Khun Korn on his right side. He could see a spark of happiness in the elder man's eyes when he was looking at little Ae. He was probably looking for similarities between his grandson and son. Porsche had to admit, Ae looked almost like he ripped Kim's face and glued it to his own. Beside the eyes. They were Porsché's. They walked into similar large room with five gigantic widows and Porsche stopped.

Kinn stared at him with disbelief and longing in his eyes. There were so many emotions in his dark eyes that they made Porsche's head spin. Happiness, sadness, anger, fear, longing. He swallowed and sat down on the chair Khun Korn showed him, Porsché sitting right next to him with Ae, whom he took out of Kim's arms. Both brothers felt uncomfortable with the Theerapanyakun family before them. Their last visit wasn't the most pleasant one.

"Right," Khun Korn said from his seat. "We have some matters to discuss. Porsche," he said to the older brother. "What is the reason for your visit? I sadly believe something has happened."

Porsche felt blood in his veins solidify and turn into stone. He felt heavy and Kinn's burning gaze on his body was making it worse.

"Couple of days ago, while I was at work, Porsché was stalked down by Vegas. He came to our house and spread some news about you having tok much power," Porsche started, playing with his finger under the table. He was pushing his nail harder into his skin with each second. "He was with a man named Khai. They demanded you to ease your power or there will be consequences. They threatened to take Ae and just Porsché if you won't do so."

Kinn was frowning, his bodyguard showing him something on his tablet. Porsche saw how he was already searching for the right information while he was talking. They apparently knew who Khai was. Or they were checking Vegas.

"Kids were playing in the garden. Vegas took them so they were some sort of bargain chip. He said that after a week they will..." Porsche trailed off, his head down.

Porsché felt his brother freeze.

"They will sell them or kill them on screen," he finished.

Khun Korn hummed and sighed sadly, rubbing his eyes. Kim was ordering something to his bodyguards, while Kinn cursed and searched for his phone. Porsche already knew how bad their situation was, but if their reaction was like that it was a good strategy to go to them for help.

"Did you inform the kids parents? We have to talk to them, we will try-"

"They're mine," Porsche stopped Kim.

Kinn's head snapped up, his eyes wide and fist clenched. Porsche was afraid of such reaction. Kinn was unpredictable and angry Kinn was also bloodthirsty. Porsche looked from Kinn to Kim and then Korn. The elder man looked disappointed and quite surprised. Ae reached a hand and grabbed Porsche's necklace, hugging into his shoulder. Porsche patted the little head and smiled at him.

"Your children," Kinn's voice rang through the room ice cold and serious. Kim looked at his older brother with wide eyes

"Thiang, Tharn, and Tonhon. They took them," Porsche bit hip lip and looked down, his eyes glossy.

Porsché was quietly observing the exchange, seeing how agitated Kinn became from the second Porsche mentioned having kids. There was a minute of tense silence. Kim looked like he was ready to jump at his brother and stop him if he was about to do something stupid, Korn looked tired and way older than he was. Porsché closed his eyes and prayed his brother forgive him for what he was about to do.

"Ae lost his big cousins, we ask you for help to save them," Porsché said, not looking at Porsche, who took a sudden breathe. "He was raised with them, he looks up to them, and he misses them. Please you have to get them back."

Kinn was in process of standing up when Porsché started to talk. Big cousins rang in his ears. If Porsche's kids were older than Ae then he had to be pregnant before Porsché, but if that was true then...

"You did not loose the child," Kinn breathed out.

Porsche's head rose and his wide eyes were enough answer for Kinn. Porsche did not have a miscarriage, his child, his children, survived. Three of them. All three were alive.

And in hands of Vegas, who was thirsty for their blood and power. Kinn clenched his teeth, his head hurting from all new information. He locked his gaze with Porsche.

"We need to talk, privately," He motioned at Porsche. Then he turned to Kim. "You two as well, because I think we all swore to stay away and somehow my nephew recognized you when he shouldn't be."

Kim looked ready to argue with Kinn, but his father's look of disapproval made him nod and look at Porsché with Ae.

They needed to talk about everything and then plan to get the kids back to them.

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