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The week seems to pass too slow for Rocky, his mind and heart locked in a constant battle over Mira's confession

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The week seems to pass too slow for Rocky, his mind and heart locked in a constant battle over Mira's confession. He has been zoning out and distracted all week while Mira has gone back to her usual self like nothing ever happened.

Both of them where in fields right now, among the labor, working alongside them. Rocky who has just stepped out of the mine frowns seeing a crowd formed.

As he walks people part, giving him way, a concerned expression washes over his face as he sees a elderly woman trying to pursue Mira who held her shoulder with a pained expression on her face.

"What's happening here?"

His voice quites down everyone, the woman looks at Mira who makes a don't you dare face but that didn't stop the woman from speaking.

"She has injured her shoulder while mining but isn't admiting it"

"That's not true, I hit it against the mine wall but it's fine now" Mira said rolling her eyes, hands crossing over her chest as Rocky walks upto her.

He looks downwards, standing a inch or two taller than her, she looks back it him and the atmosphere becomes heavy.

A spark cracks between them, a spark that could turn into the most beautiful fire this world can burn into if it catches fire, but it hasn't turned into a fire, not yet.

Being too invested in the eye contact Mira didn't notice the hand kept on her right shoulder until it squeezes her shoulder, she hisses slightly making Rocky raise a brow at her.

"Go back to the mansion"


"I didn't ask you, get rest"

"I am not injured"

"I never said you are"

His answer makes her tsk as he smirks and she huffs before stomping away. The thought of her being adorable comes to his mind but a voice in his head prieks the guilt and he pushes the thought away getting back to work.

Mira closes the door of her room and groans holding onto her shoulder. She approaches the full body mirror and shrugs off her jacket revealing a long gash on her shoulder with a bruise forming around.

"This is going to take time to heal" She mumbles pulling back her jacket and sighing.

While in Bombay, Salaar has gotten in a routine of visiting that very orphanage after completing his work while Adya has gotten use to a ridiculously handsome man stare at her with literal heart eyes.

However when he arrives today the things seems to be different. The children are not out like usual, the place is full of hushed whispers and a small crowd is formed around someone.

"What are you people look-" He cutts himself off seeing Adya sitting on a chair, her hand in a crape bandage, a small cotton fixed on her forehead with medication tape and a small wound at the corner of her lips.

She notices him and stands up immediately, by the way his jaw has clenched and his fist had tightened its clear that he is angry.



"Listen it's normal here-"

"I asked who?"

Adya gulped, the red furious eyes were scaring her to the core of her soul, she didn't want to get him in trouble or get hurt because of her but he is to intimidating to not obey.

"Shekhawat. He often send his men for collecting money which we can't afford to pay every week with the expense of the kids. When I tried to protest the men got handsy"

He didn't say a word just caressed the wound on the corner of her mouth, his anger rising when she hissed on the little touch and next thing anyone knows he is storming away to meet the man who caused this.


think the oneshot confused you people. Adya is NOT Rocky's sister, she just calls him brother. Don't get fooled by her she is not what she seems.

𝐑𝐞- 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 | 𝐊.𝐆.𝐅 : 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now