"it's okay," Aaima said steadying her breath "let's go, mum and dad are waiting". Aaima collected Nadia's luggage before dragging her towards her car.


"walaykum salam, my beautiful daughter is here" Aaima's mum stood up from her seat embracing Nadia when she heard her voice behind her, "how was your trip my dear"

"it was fine Alhamdulillah mama" Nadia said breaking out of the hug with a wide smile,

"I've prepared your favourite" she said dragging Nadia towards the dinning table pulling out a seat for her, "waina and soup",

"wow mama, thank you" Nadia opened the cover of the green flowery cooler revealing the mouth-watering food, "I've missed this so much" she rubbed her hands together before digging into the food.

"It's like they've all forgotten about me" Aaima dramatically placed her elbow on the head of the chair Nadia was seated,

"come here" Nadia dragged Aaima, "I know you want to eat, take" nadia fed Aaima out of her portion,

"uhmm yummy, you know me so well" Aaima said chewing down her food, "can you believe mama didn't let me taste out of this beauty?"

"why are you giving this girl your food" Aaima's mum said placing the jug of juice she went to bring on the dining table,

"she was begging" Nadia said giggling,

"you were begging" mama said hitting her on her shoulder, "beggi beggi"

"she's lying oo" Aaima said with her mouth fully stuffed with food, "she willingly offered me, I didn't beg her"

"I'm not lying" Nadia retorted sticking out her tongue,

"nadeey 1-0" Aaima gestured with her fingers playfully, making Nadia laugh her heart out.


Nadia sat on Aaima's king-size bed after praying the ishraq prayer (salatul duha), she ransacked her bag for the card that Abdallah gave to her, she saw it in the back pocket after searching for sometimes. Nadia dialled the number on the card and waited for him to pick up,

"salam alaykum" she said when he picked up,

"walykum salam" he replied, there were few seconds of silence before he added "how was your trip"

"it was fine Alhamdulillah" she said placing her legs properly on the bed, "have you eaten?",

"yes I've" he replied,

"okay" she said fiddling with her dress, finding no other words to say,

"okay" he repeated paving way for another wave of awkward silence,

"bye" Nadia wanted to say more, but it was like all her words got stuck in her throat,

"bye" Abdallah said hanging up the call, he felt so lonely now that she wasn't at home, he has gotten so used to her presence around him that she has started becoming a part of him unknowingly, he's getting so used to her, he wanted to give her a call since before, but he didn't have her contact. Since he wasn't going to work today, being Saturday, he decided to visit his mother.


"Shall we?" Aaima asked nadia before igniting her car. The drive lasted for about 20 minutes before they arrived at a vast deserted area, the Iron gate at the entrance was completely rusted, the name 'cemetery' hanged loosely on the top.

Aaima tugged the nervous Nadia gently squeezing her hands to assure her that everything was okay, they walked through the slightly bushy area before they arrived in front of four mounds of sand,
Nadia fell on her knees immediately she saw it, the feeling came rushing back like it happened yesterday, the feeling of losing all your family at once, she gently caressed the graves moving from one to the other, but she made sure a single tear didn't fall from her eyes,

"mama, baba" she said looking at the first two graves before she continued "ya idris, ya noor" placing her hands on her knee "I'm back again, hope you all didn't miss me too much" she bit her lower lip to prevent herself from crying, but she couldn't hold it, the tears trickled slowly down her eyes, she didn't wail because she knew islamically it wasn't right, "I'm married now and my husband is so handsome, I know you'll like him mama" she used her palm to clean the tears off while trying to smile, that was when she felt someone snake their arm around her, Nadia totally forgot Aaima was standing close to her because of how engrossed she was in her emotions.

"They're in a better place insha Allah" Aaima cleaned the tears already forming in her eyes, watching Nadia in such a state without being able to do anything was just too painful, she didn't know how she felt completely, but she had a little idea of it because she also lost a part of her when that unfortunate incident happened.

"Ameen" nadia said before opening her two hands to pray for them fervently.


Nadia and Aaima got back home silently after they were done with the prayers. It was always like that since the year it happened, on 4th of may of every year since when Nadia lost her family, she makes sure she visits their graveyards, she mostly goes with Aaima and her family or sometimes alone.

"Welcome back" Aaima father said to Nadia when she approached him in the living room, her red puffy eyes didn't pass his observations, he knew she must have gone to visit the grave,

"salam alaykum baba" Nadia said slightly bending as a sign of respect,

"walaykum salam 'ya ta (my daughter)" he gestured towards the chair close to him, "sit down",
"may Allah make jannatul firdaus their final abode" he prayed sadly, "and also reveal the evil doers",

"ameen" she ducked her heads downward.
"Baba I want to return to Abuja today" she crossed her legs before she continued, "it's just 1:20 pm and there's a train leaving by 4:00 pm",

"why?, are you not comfortable" he asked adjusting his seating position,

"no sir, I'm-" she didn't know how she could explain to him that the reason she wanted to leave was because she was missing Abdallah,

"okay, if you insist, please stay safe and my regards to your hubby"

"I'll, thanks for everything baba" she said standing up, "I'll inform Aaima and mama now".


Nadia texted Abdallah when she got into the train, she wanted to make it a surprise at first but when she realized that she'd arrive late at night she decided against it, she looked out through the window watching as trees, mountains and every object outside moved swiftly, she couldn't understand why there is an unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach.

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@zinat Abdulkadir ✍️✍️

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