2.69 Under His Wing

Start from the beginning

Michelle couldn't believe how relieved she felt to hear their voices. And she tried to put on a brave face, even though her heart was battering in the cage of her chest like a trapped sparrow.

"We're fine here," Michelle said. "Are you okay there? The news said they don't think whatever is happening here is extending up to Ogden."

"No, no, we're just fine," her Mom said, the relief finally taking the shrill edge out of her voice. "Nothing is out of the ordinary here. It's like it's all happening in Salt Lake. Are Pil and Keith with you?"

"They're both here. They're both fine."

"Keith must be devastated," her father said. "All this so soon after losing Richard. Is he okay?"

Michelle couldn't suppress a smile. How like her parents to ask about Keith before Pil. They loved Pil, but in many ways Keith had become like an adopted son to them, going all the way back to Junior High. They had known him far longer than they had known Pil, and they made it a point to invite him up there for dinner whenever Michelle and Pil were visiting. They had even invited Richard a few times. Although, unsurprisingly, her parents had never warmed up to him.

"Keith's fine. He's emotional, but he's doing okay."

"Thank God for that. And how is Pil?"

"Keeping everything together, and keeping us all safe, like he always does," she said. "Are you watching this on TV?"

"Yeah, same channel as you, probably," her dad said. "KUTV seems to have the best coverage. It's all so crazy. They're reporting two plane crashes, and they say that the airport is shut down."

"Yeah, we didn't see them. But we heard one for sure."

"And they say there are fires burning all over the city," her father continued, barely pausing for air. "One is at that nice hotel we stayed in for your cousin's wedding!"

"Honey," her mother broke in, "why don't you get out of there? Come up here. It's got to be safer."

Michelle sighed. "Well, we've talked about it. But I doubt it's safer than just staying inside. We're just holed up here, and the Avenues seem relatively calm. I don't know if it's worth taking the risk and leaving the house."

"But it has to be safer here!"

"I'm sure it is, Mom. But actually getting there could be the problem."

"Maybe. But Baby Doll, we have a bad feeling," Her dad continued, "and we just want you to be close."

Michelle swallowed. "I think Keith needs us here."

"Well, bring him with you!"

"I would, mom, but he doesn't want to leave."

That dumbfounded both her parents for an instant. "For the love of God, why not?" her mother asked, the shrill edge having returned to her voice.

Michelle debated for a second telling them at least something about what had happened the night before. But she knew there was no way to start down that road without telling them everything—and that would only make them more frantic than they already were. And besides, if she told them everything, they'd surely decide that all three of them had lost their minds. They'd probably assume that whatever madness had infected the city had them in its clutches too.

"I promise we'll talk about it, Mom," she said, hoping that would satisfy them. "But try not to worry. We're safe here. We don't even have a front window. It's all still boarded up. Nobody is getting in here, and we're perfectly safe."

"Please talk about it, honey," her father said. "Neither of us are going to sleep until you're here with us."

For the first time since she picked up the phone, Michelle looked over at Pil and Keith on the couch. Both of them were sitting up now, looking over the back edge of the sofa and watching her with strangely intense eyes. She suddenly felt self-conscious and unsure of what she should say to her parents.

The Last Handful of Clover - Book 2: Gifts Both Light and DarkWhere stories live. Discover now