Short story: Villain Rimuru Part 2

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Rimuru Pov

Where i am ? I slowly opened my eyes and looked around, just to see everything destroyed.

This was the dommage i caused during the massacre but i still feel nothing, not regret, not joy but just hatred.

Rimuru : I wanted to kill more.

I walked around a little and saw that not even their body are on the ground.

Rimuru : Great sage, what happened after i fall asleep ?

Raphael : (After master fell asleep, i did as master wish absorbing everything and convert it into power.)

Rimuru : (Oh ? Thanks i guess and you sound a little different Great sage.)

Raphael : (It's because, i evolved into the Ultimate skill Raphael, master.)

So a unique skill can evolve into ultimate during a demon lord evolution.

Rimuru : (So what can you do now?)

Raphael : (There not a single question i can't answer now, i will be at the best use for master.)

Rimuru : (Really, then tell me, who is the strongest now me or Hinata Sakaguchi.)

Raphael : (Yes master gained many powerful skills and gained the extra skill Swordmanship of Hakurou, he is now able to beat the individual Hinata Sakaguchi.)

I nodded and started to fly, where do i go now ? I have no home and no family anymore.

I just noticed that i didn't have any clothes, is this a effect of the evolution ?

Rimuru : (Raphael can you create some clothes.)

Raphael : (Yes, using the extra skill Clothes making.)

A black mist covered my body and some clothes appear on me, they were black with a little of gold.

These clothes are perfect.

I then started to fly toward Dwargon, we are still in a alliance.

After ten minutes, I arrived at Dwargon, i entered after greeting the guards and went straight to meet Gazel.

Gazel : Rimuru you are still alive !

Rimuru : Yes King Gazel.

Gazel : But how ?

Rimuru : I was not in the city when the attack happened.

He looked at me perplex but then sighed.

Gazel : Why did you come here ?

Rimuru : We were in a alliance, so i want you to do me a favor.

Gazel : Oh ? And what it is ?

Rimuru : Help me destroy the church of Ruberios.

His eyes widen in shock.

Gazel Pov

What ? This is not the Rimuru i knew, and his eyes look so cold.

How did he change so much in this short amount of time.

Even if he lost his subordinates and nation, how did he became so different from the ancient Rimuru.

Gazel : Why do you want that ?

Rimuru : They have done a sins, so they have to pay.

This Rimuru is a menace, he is not the kind monster who want peace anymore.

Gazel : I refuse !

Rimuru : So you refused, can i ask why ?

Gazel : You changed Rimuru, the actual you is not someone i can trust.

Rimuru One shot/Short story/Reaction remakeWhere stories live. Discover now