Start from the beginning

Daisy reaches into the bag, pulling out one of the blood bags Josette had brought from the hospital.

She hadn't drank straight from a vein since her first week after turning. There was a while there where she didn't think she'd ever stop, that was until she was practically cornered and taught how to be a morally correct vampire. Though this didn't feel much better.

She popped the tab off and brought it to her lips, trying not to let it show how starving she actually was on her face. Josette brings her a weeks supply every Sunday. Daisy hadn't really been going out much— and Josette thought it was probably for the best given the situation.

She hadn't been given a daylight ring. Or better put, Bonnie wouldn't make her one. Understandably so. Josette says she's been asking around, trying to find other witches to make her one, but it was taking longer than she thought.

Daisy was trying to be patient, though she also knew that if she had to live another day without feeling the sun on her skin she might actually crumble up into a ball and die. But she couldn't keep prying, Josette was already doing the best she could. She'd already moved her entire wedding to take place at night so Daisy could be there. It'd be a little weird if her maid of honor didn't show up.

But she didn't realize how much she loved the sun until it was gone.

"Any word from Kai?" Daisy asks, pulling the now half empty bag from her lips. She kept asking Josette and getting the same answer. She wasn't sure what answer she was wanting.

"Nothing." Josette shook her head.

"Has the coven heard anything?"

Josette took a breath, "I haven't asked— but I'm sure they've got it covered."

Daisy hadn't seen him since that night she turned. When she told him to leave.

At the time, she never expected him to actually do it. But that's exactly what he did, he disappeared, and she hadn't heard a word from him since.

Daisy's eyes fall to Josette, and she could tell by the subtle look on her face that there was something on her mind. "What's wrong?" She asks.

Josette glances up, and takes a breath. "Um," she swallows. "My dad's coming to the wedding."

Daisy didn't move for a second, trying to let the words really sink and understand what this might mean for her. "He is?" She asks.

Josette made an awkward face. "I didn't think he'd even want to come— so I just invited him to avoid an awkward situation but—"

"It's okay." Daisy stops her from continuing. She shrugs. "I'm not gonna like— go and eat him or anything."

"I know that." Josette scoffs. "I just didn't want you to be thrown off guard when you see him there." She takes a breath. "I mean, the last time you saw him was—"

"As he was actively casting me into a magical prison world instead of taking me to a hospital?" Daisy makes a sarcastic surprised face; then it shifts into a soft smile. "It's okay. I'll be fine." Though she wasn't sure how true that statement was.

Josette glances down at her watch, and then looks back up at Daisy. "I gotta go— we have a cake tasting at two." Josette says, pushing up on the table for support as she stood up.

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