Planet Earth Song

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(to MJ,  with more love) 

(based on his poem "Planet Earth",  found in his 1992 poetry collection "Dancing the Dream")

Planet Earth, not a home, not a place

A capricious anomaly that's lacking your grace

Planet Earth, how can I just

Pretend he's just another speck of dust

My eyes fill with tears, then start to bust

I feel like metal, bound to rust

Without you, dear, there's a steep, steep void

I float on by lonely, like an asteroid

This world's too cold without your soft hue

It's held together with a crummy glue

Your lyrics, loving and alive, it's true,

Have worked their magic on nights too blue

I miss it all, your amazingly-played part

Of living out love, a walking, breathing heart

It's your art that brings me to feel whole

It's no fair you're not here; where is your soul?

In my being I know the mystery

You've taken your talents and brought them to rewrite history

A quiet power surged through your blood

And your compassion bled from you to us, a flood

I can just about make out your dances in the storm

And in the honeysuckles hedges, there is your form

Your salt's in my wounds, the bitter, the sweet

I miss your elusivity, your passion, your heat

And though we'd never met, I know so deeply your taste

My feelings flow out in a hurried haste

Your beauty is why, when, how

I know I really do miss you now

Planet Earth, how can I just

Pretend he's just another speck of dust

My eyes fill with tears, then start to bust

I feel like metal, bound to rust

Without you, dear, there's a steep, steep void

I float on by lonely, like an asteroid

The world's too cold without your soft hue

It's held together with a crummy glue

Your lyrics, loving and alive, it's true,

Have worked their magic on nights too blue

I miss it all, your amazingly-played part

Of living out love, a walking, breathing heart

It's your art that brings me to feel whole

It's no fair you're not here; where is your soul?

Michael, a part of me dies daily without you

With all my heart, I do love and miss you

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