Of the Cinematic Mind

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Act I: The Evening

The bullfrogs sound like your bass lines,
So deep that their articulations are not words,
But vibrations.
The neighbors to my left are in a
Basketball match between. Themselves and

The fireflies.
The sounds you made yesternight when you trapped me into your bed frame still

Suckle on my mind.
The clouds in the sky turn pink and come marching in,
Yet I can hear them so well.
There is a man mowing his grass at 7pm and it makes me wonder how well

Grass does its job if it keeps getting severed by mechanical life.

Delilah's purrs come to me as little murmurs with wings.
I head inside,
But not without giving the nature a butterfly kiss first.


Act II: The Morning

The purple porch lights across the street fade into the sun and look like
So sweet that I wonder about their meanings,
Their poeticalnesses.
The neighbors to my right just had a baby and I don't know if it's a boy

A girl but blue should be for girls and pink should be for boys.

The sounds you made yestermorning when you snuggled into me still cradles my heart.
The clouds in the sky turn blue and come sauntering in,
Yet I can still see some gallant sense in them.

There is a woman planting grandiflora roses and it makes me wonder why we don't thank the ground enough enough spouting out life to us.
I find Delilah on the roof and my reflective silence suppresses itself

With laughter.
I head outside,
But not without giving your head a butterfly kiss first.

SUNSHOWERSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें