On Coming Out as Bi

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God has never left me
For something such as this.
God hasn't said a word to me
About it, because saying
A word wouldn't be
Letting me be.

Just be.
I am in no way in control
Of God.
I am not a ventriloquist -
I never went to classes for that.
But straight people will do it

More than the sinner that is
I mean, putting words in God's
Mouth, shoving hatred
Where it wasn't there
To begin with.

I have cleansed myself
Of my fearful, feeble straight persona,
And I no longer fear the
Fiery wrath of temporary
Spit-filled church sermons.
I know God still loves me -

Way more than I have ever loved
Mia or Josee or
Anne-jroh-mii-duh or Dirk.
To snap your fingers
And say a prayer and
Expect it to pop me

Into a heterosexual proportion
Gives me permission to ask you
To do the same -
Get gay.
Get straight?
Get gay,

You have never been denied
The rights that you have
For being straight.
You have never been denied
The breath that you breathe

For it, either.
You have never been called a LIAR
For loving the way you love.
You have never been called a lover
Who was lying about it all.
I have been shamed

For my soul.
Now I shed the voices
That have coated me
In a too tight shell
Of abysmal judgment
And let them dissipate

Like my memories of
Infantry. Suck. My. Spiritual.

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