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We still don't know what 'an island swallowed' is," Fundy huffed, "how are we supposed to figure out which island is the right one?"

"Well, there's limited possibilities," Techno replied, "I highly doubt the island is underwater, since that defeats the purpose of it being an island. It's probably either underground or something else above ground. We should be able to find it soon enough."

"Maybe we should take the ship around the islands and see if any of them fit the description on the map?" Tubbo suggested.

"If the island was just one in the open, then why would the riddle say that it was swallowed?" The foxman grumbled, "there's got to be something hard about finding the island."

"I agree," Phil nodded, "if it was as simple as picking out an island based off the map, then the treasure would have been found ages ago."

"I still don't see how an island can be swallowed, though," the brunet boy said thoughtfully, "I'll be so pissed if it's at the bottom of the ocean."

"Can't be." Techno's voice was firm and confident. "The map would be lying, then, if it was. An island is an island, not a mound of dirt at the ocean floor."

"Floating under the surface?"

"Now that's just silly," Phil sighed, "we have to be logical about this or we aren't going to get anywhere. I mean, just look at the islands. They're covered in forest. It would take years to comb through every single island."

Tommy turned over in the bed and leaned his head on the opposite arm. The walls of the ship were thin, and he could hear the others talking in the room next door. At Phil's stern suggestion, the blonde was supposed to be resting his head—but how did they expect him to sleep?

He was slightly upset that they were leaving him out of the meeting. Sure, it was in his best interest, but it was the treasure they were talking about! It concerned all of them—especially Tommy. The boy groaned in annoyance and sat upright, turning to face the window.

It was early evening and the sky was a purple-blue in color. There was not a single cloud in the sky and a handful of brighter stars could be seen. The waves were calm and rolled lazily over the ocean surface. Tommy couldn't see the islands from this angle, but he could imagine them clearly.

"How's Tommy doing, Fundy?"

At the mention of his name, the blonde zoned back into the conversation.

"He's doing well," the foxman replied, "I haven't checked yet today, but the wound is starting to heal and he doesn't seem to have much pain, which is a positive sign."

"That's really good," Techno said, "about how many days until he's back to normal?"

"Three or four, I'd say."

"If we end up finding the island in the next couple days, would it be a good idea to let Tommy come?" Phil asked, "it could be dangerous, and I don't want him to get hurt any more."

Tommy's jaw dropped at the winged man's words. He hurriedly scrambled out of his bed and swung out of the bedroom, turning the corner and then bursting into the meeting room. The other four looked at him in surprise and confusion.

"If we find that island, there is no fucking way that I'm staying on the ship," he stated loudly, "I am coming to find the treasure. No matter what."

"Aren't you supposed to be resting?" Tubbo asked.

"How the fuck was I supposed to rest when you all are talking about important things without me?" The blonde narrowed his eyes. Tubbo pouted and Tommy stuck his tongue out at the brunet.

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