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"Maybe we should leave the town for a bit," Tubbo suggested between labored breaths, "The island isn't that big, but it's not inhabited outside of the town. It's safer out there."

Tommy nodded in agreement. Adrenaline was still coursing through his veins from their escape off the Blood's Call and through the town. The other side of the alley opened up between two tall buildings and the dirt path beneath them changed to grass.

There was a small forest up ahead, but the boys could tell that it wouldn't provide much shelter. Still, Tommy and Tubbo jogged towards it and walked among the twisting palms and the fan-like ferns of the undergrowth.

They were far enough from town that it was mostly silent other than the rolling waves off the shore. The only thing keeping them from tripping over themselves was the dim light of the moon above. It was a cloudless night in the midst of summer, so the air was damp and Tommy could feel his cotton shirt begin to stick to his skin.

"I can't believe it," Tommy whispered with a shake of his head, "I can't believe we just did that. We have the map, Tubbo. The map that we've been trying to get for so fucking long!"

"I know you're excited, but we still have to be careful," the brunet replied, "Party Island is quite small, and Techno might realize the truth and go searching for us soon. We need to find somewhere hidden enough to wait out at least the rest of the night, if not longer."

"There's not much cover out here, though." Tommy scratched the back of his head with his hand while scanning their surroundings. There wasn't much to see in the pitch-black darkness, but he could barely make out the silhouettes of trees and bushes.

"We can just pick a bigger bush and hide inside," Tubbo suggested. The other boy considered the option, pursing his lips, and finally shrugged.

"That could work," Tommy said, "but not for long. What if we head back to the town in the morning? There's probably more places to hide there."

"You're probably right. We could hide in the alleys or even inside one of the buildings."

Tubbo suddenly heard the rustling of leaves from behind them and turned his head back to look. There didn't seem to be anyone there, but the hairs on his arms were standing up. He tucked his arms close to his chest and let the quiet crinkling of the map comfort him.

All of a sudden, the figure appeared out of nowhere. A burst of red and white flashed across the brunet's vision. He only had the time to open his mouth and yell Tommy's name before the figure roughly knocked him to the ground.

Tommy turned when he heard Tubbo's panicked shout and the figure rammed into him. Tommy's back and head collided with the palm tree behind him with a loud thump. He opened his eyes and came face to face with a familiar pair of bright red ones, the colors swirling within his pupils like the flames that engulfed his ship.

"You took the map," Techno growled, his voice low and dripping with anger Tommy had never seen before, "You stole the map and burned down my ship." The male's left hand gripped the collar of the boy's shirt while his other hand held his sword against the front of his neck.

"T-Techno—" the blonde stuttered, his face paling. The smooth metal of the blade felt cold as it stayed lightly pressed against his neck. Techno and the boy were staring into each other's eyes, frozen in place, not saying a word.

"I should kill you, you know that?" The pigman seethed, "Both of you. Your captain should have taught you the pirates' code, no? 'Those who break this code of old, may they have their death foretold.' The very first thing listed on the code is against breaking the trust of another pirate."

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