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When Tommy regained consciousness, he didn't open his eyes at first. Memories flooded into his brain like a steady stream. The plan. The attack. Fighting Dream. Being saved by...Phil? He was almost certain that it was Phil, considering that all the others were on the other side of the ship.

Then, the blonde opened his eyes. He was in a medium-sized room with rays of sunshine shining through the windows to his left and right. How did he end up here? A light headache was building in Tommy's head as he lifted his arms to rub his eyes.

He could recognize the room better now—it was their sleeping quarters. He saw the four other beds that belonged to his friends and recognized the items lying around the room. The boy slowly began to pull himself into a sitting position but felt a stabbing pain in the back of his head. He reached back and discovered a strip of cloth.

Another memory returned to him. Dream pushing him into the wall and consequently hitting his head against the wood. It hadn't seemed that serious at the time, but it must have been bad enough if he passed out soon afterwards.

The door to the room creaked open and a familiar brunet boy stepped inside, balancing a metal tray in one hand. At first, Tubbo didn't notice that his friend was awake. He pulled the door shut behind him and turned back around when his eyes locked onto Tommy's upright figure.

"Tommy!" The boy almost dropped the tray, but carefully re-balanced it before racing over. He set the tray down on the nightstand and studied the blonde anxiously. "Do you feel okay? Does anything hurt? Should I get Fundy?"

"I'm fine, Tubs, don't worry," Tommy grinned, "My head just hurts a tad bit. What happened—did we win? I would think so, considering that I'm not dead or a captive again."

"I'll tell you in a minute." Tubbo reached over to the tray and picked up a glass of water and two small, oval-shaped objects. "Medicine first. Fundy says it will help you heal quicker and ease some of the pain."

The blonde nodded and took the items from his friend. He placed the pill on his tongue and quickly gulped down water, shivering at the strange sensation of the object sliding down his throat. He repeated the process and then turned back to Tubbo expectantly.


The brunet laughed a bit. "Fine. So, first off, we did manage to take out the Night's Mare—though not in the way you might suspect. I sort of accidentally set off a firework and set the ship on fire...but we all returned to our ship and Phil carried you back."

"Is Phil okay? Did he get injured?"

Tubbo's face fell. "It's better for him to tell you himself."

"Oh." A feeling of nerves spread through Tommy's body. It was his own fault that the winged man got hurt. Tubbo handed him a piece of bread and the blonde fiddled with it for a moment.

"After that, the pirates—including Dream—tried to escape on a raft," the brunet continued, "And, well, I blew up their ship with a cannonball. Then, Techno shot an arrow at Dream."

"And they're all dead?"

Tubbo nodded. "All dead," he said, "they all went under and we didn't see them come back up."

"Can I see Phil?" Tommy asked anxiously. He desperately wanted to ask Phil about what happened and make sure he was okay. He felt both grateful but awful that the winged man saved him.

"I'll go fetch him," the brunet replied. He left the room, shutting the door behind him, and Tommy waited in silence. Soon, he heard voices and footsteps and the door opened again. Phil came in on his own.

"You're awake," the winged man said. There was relief in his voice.

Tommy nodded and let out a long breath. "Um. Thank you for saving me. Tubbo said you got hurt, though..."

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