Chapter 5

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    Back at Ruby's place she was in so much pain. The scar was still pouring out the black liquid and she couldn't sleep because she feared that Queen would kill her if she tried it so she just cried helplessly till the next morning.

Glenda came over as promised and Ruby tried to explain everything to her even showing her the mark of Queen's lips on her face but Glenda didn't understand because she couldn't see any mark on Ruby's face. To her Ruby was blabbing like a mad woman she was trying so hard to convince her but it wasn't working. Glenda got tired and left Ruby thinking she was making up the whole story. How can a demon visit a person and why is the mark of the 'demon's kiss' invisible? The whole thing wasn't making any sense, Glenda didn't even believe that demons existed.
    That night Ruby tried falling asleep again but saw Queen's face then she had a noise coming from her wardrobe and got scared again

"I-isn't this enough punishment for me? w-who are you? why don't you just kill me already? why punish me? answer me!" She's shouted but got no response so she summed up courage and went closer to check what it was, on getting there she found out that it was just a rat. She let out a sigh  of relief  "Thank God its just you annoying rodent".

Suddenly the mark started pouring out black liquid again making her scream in agony as it got bigger and bigger, it didn't stop till the next day. She didn't even think of calling Glenda and she didn't know who to call, she missed Ashley so much and fortunately for her the camping was over so the children were coming back home.

  Ashley and Camilla got closer since the day they made up Ashley even sometimes came to sleep in Camilla's tent which Bella was okay with. Bella also got closer to Sarah but what Sarah didn't know was that Bella just wanted to gain her trust back before striking. It was all Lydia's  plan and so far so good it was going well. Soon the delicious game Lydia loves playing would begin and it was going to be the most fun game she had ever played.

  Everyone went home to their families, the trip was an amazing one and they hoped to go on that kind of trip again; it brought people together, memories were created, they learnt in a fun way, it made Sarah treat her friends nicely and Lydia got her weapon with which she was going to use to destroy her sweet.

  immediately Ashley and Camilla got home, Ruby felt so happy to see Ashley of course Camilla was just trash to her. She ran out and hugged Ashley

"I missed you so much my child"

"I missed you too mom" Ashley replied.

Lydia laughed and said "Well it's good to know you didn't miss me. Don't worry I'm not hurt and I'm sure you had a wonderful time while we were away because I did. Oh and Ruby it's nice to know you're taking care of Ashley." she said through Camilla before letting Camilla take over the body

"W-what do you mean by that and how dare you call me by my name" Ruby asked angrily

"What!  I-I said nothing I'm sorry if I've offended you again" Camilla responded unaware of what Lydia said through her

"You liar! Ashley you heard her right? you...."

"Its okay mom she's right anyways. Come on Camilla let's go inside I need a hot bath" Ashley said interrupting her mom. Camilla and Ashley went inside while Ruby stared at them in disbelief. She Suddenly noticed the mark was gone when she placed her palm on her cheek. strange but relieving.

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