"So, how are you doing so far, Allen?" The chef asked as the younger man finished the last dish.

"So far so good." Allen beamed.

"Good, good." Jerry nodded.

"You find your mate yet?" The chef asked. Allen was putting the dishes away.

"No." He chuckled darkly. "I have this condition, I, well I won't know if I find them. If they don't tell me." Allen sighed. He had grown up in an abusive situation. Due to this he couldn't tell the differences via scent of alpha's betas or omegas. He was told that since his scent ability was so messed up, he probably wouldn't ever be able to find his mate. For some reason, this didn't really bother Allen too much. Maybe it was because he was trying to get his life figured out.

He finished the dishes. With a wave to Jerry he went to see what the bar needed stocked. This was his night. He switched from doing dishes to stocking and back again until the club closed in the early hours of the morning. Allen was washing the last round of dishes when the kitchen door opened.

"Jerry, my man you got us the goods!" A loud voice called out. Allen turned.

Fear gripped him. His chest began to ache as he slowly curled into himself. He turned away from the shock of red hair as the fear blinded him. Clutching the sink before him, he held on barely able to remain on his feet. He could hear noises all around him, but it was like they were coming from the far end of a very long tunnel.

"What did you do to him!?" A high pitched voice broke into his hazy of panic.

"NOTHING I JUST WALKED IN!" another voice yelled back.

"Allen, Allen it's OK, just breathe. Come on, calm down." He blinked. The pretty cute face of Lenalee wavered before him. Lenalee. Yes, she was his manager for the bar. He worked at a bar. He would be a bartender soon. He was safe. He was free. He kept repeating these words to himself until his racing heart began to slow. His mind began to clear. He didn't realize he was saying them out loud.

"What's wrong with him?" Another voice asked.

"Allen?" Lenalee said his name. He looked at her.

"I, I'm sorry. I will finish up." Allen saw he was squatting on the floor near the sink. "I'm sorry." He repeated keeping his back to the room of onlookers.

"Allen, it's OK, but what set you off?" Lenalee was kind. Allen had told her about his trauma. He turned, glancing over his shoulder he forced himself to look at the ginger haired man behind him.

He had a youthful face. He couldn't be much older than Allen was. One eye was covered with an eyepatch. Allen wasn't sure if that was because he was a dancer and played a pirate, or if there was another reason for it. The emerald brightness of the other eye shone out at him. It was crinkled in a worried look. Behind this man stood the good looking dancer. He was starring at Allen like he couldn't believe the man was so pathetic, or that was how Allen perceived it.

"I'm sorry, it's just I saw his hair..." Allen flicked his purple eyes to Lenalee. She patted his arm.

"It's OK, trust me Lavi is a loud mouth, but he wouldn't hurt anyone that didn't deserve it." The others laughed. This appeared to break the tension. Allen noted how the handsome dancer glared at him. He turned away. Well, he wasn't here to get people to like him.

Allen finished up the dishes as the dancers and other bar tenders ate and talked over the night. Every so often he felt like someone was watching him. This had been a thing for Allen for a long time. He turned but no one would be looking in his direction. He put the dishes away and walked out of the kitchen.

With his bucket and wash cloth he went through and wiped down all the tables and chairs. He placed the chairs upside down on top of the table. Next he swept and mopped the floor. All the while he felt like something was nagging at the back of his mind. Allen shook it off. He was just being paranoid. His therapist told him this could happen due to what he had survived.

Once done, Allen went back to the kitchen. Most of the dancers and other workers had left. The handsome dancer still sat at the back table. The pirate Lavi sat with him along with a big hulking bouncer and a thin wispy looking male with a white streak in his hair.

"Got the dinning room all cleaned?" Jerry asked.

"Yes." Allen felt the tugging sensation at the back of his head. He reached up to rub at his neck trying to make it go away. The handsome dancer eyed him with a twisted snear on his face.

"Good. I saved you something to eat." Jerry held out a plate with some nachos, turkey and cheese sub, and some mini whiners in barbecue sauce. Allen moved as far away from the angry looking dancer to eat.

"Hey, come sit with us!" Lavi patted a seat beside him. "Don't let Kanda's antisocial behavior drive you away. He's just like this." The man giggled. Allen nodded moving to sit beside the man.

"So, tell us about yourself." Lavi said snatching a chip.

"Stop eating his food!" Jerry yelled.

"Um, what do you want to know?" Allen asked.

"Have you found your mate?" Lavi asked. Allen shook his head as he ate. Once his mouth was clear he explained.

"I, uh have a condition. I will never know if I find my mate, not unless they tell me. I can't sense it." He told them. Kanda snorted at this sipping his drink. Allen looked away.

"That sucks. I mean for an omega to not know! What if some random Alpha just claimed you're their mate and you believe them?" Lavi shook his head.

"That's why, I probably will never mate." Allen said as he ate quietly.

"Dude, that sucks." Lavi shook his head. He leaned over pressing his shoulder into the chest of the guy with the white streak in his hair. "This is my mate, Krory. That's Noise, he is blind and yes he is a bouncer, don't ask." Lavi smirked. "Then the man around here, Mr. Yu Kanda." He snorted.

"Stupid rabbit don't call me Yu." Kanda hissed. His voice was like honey dripping deep and sweet sounding Allen smiled at the sound. He could fall asleep to it. That reminded him, his eyes flashed to the clock.

"...and I'm late." He sighed dejectedly.

"Late for what?" Lavi asked.

"Getting home." Allen finished his food and went to wash the plate.

"What you still live with your parents or something?" Lavi asked.

"Or something. I'm renting a room. Landlord stated I had to be home by four or I will be locked out." The clock read quarter past that hour. Allen gathered his stuff.

"So, you, uh can't get into your home?" Lavi asked. Allen shook his head.

"It's OK, I can sleep in the bus station." He swung the backpack to his shoulder. Holding his fist up to Jerry. The dark chef bumped it with his own.

"See you tonight." Allen smiled. He waved to the others as he walked out.

"WAIT, HOLD UP SHORT STACK!" a voice bellowed. Allen blinked. Turning he saw Kanda had followed him.

"I have a spare bed, come on, you can spend the night at my place." He offered.

"Oh, uh but I don't have any money to pay..."

"Did I ask for that?" Kanda snorted. "Come on." He growled snatching ahold of the backpack to drag the smaller male towards a large motorcycle.

"What the hell?" Lavi hissed. "The mighty Kanda going soft?" Krory shrugged as they watched Kanda manhandle the small white haired man onto his bike and drive off with him.

"Should we report a kidnapping or something?" Lavi asked.

"Um, no I think he will be ok." Jerry watched worriedly as the tail lights of the bike was swallowed up by the night.

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