Ch13: Obi-Wan Kenobi

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The girl they'd mentioned is brought before me. I must say, she's a lot smaller than I thought she'd be. From looks alone, I'd wager she's about six or seven, ten at the most. I was hoping she'd be slightly older.

Me: What's a child like you doing with militants like them? Was the General your father, perhaps?

Child: My father? If you people knew who my father was-

Me: Oh yes, please enlighten us. I'd love to pay him a visit...unless he's already dead.

I don't know whether it is something I've said or something she remembers but her entire demeanour changes from her carefree nature to one that's more reserved. I consider handing her over to someone else to handle for now but there are a few things we need to finish up first.

Me: Has our forces withdrawn from the surface as yet?

Avril: Withdrawal complete. We've also finished transporting all the equipment offworld. 

Me: Good. Reduce the surface of the world to cinders.

Avril: Empress?

Me: I don't like the idea of loose ends. If even one rebel survives it'll cause a problem. Be thankful I never said destroy the entire world.

She falls silent and rightly so. All three of these Harrower class Dreadnoughts are armed with weapons that could destroy the world in one blast. I could have simply withdrawn and destroyed it at range but I have a feeling we might come back here in the future.

Child: No!

Me: Hmmm?

As if realising she shouldn't have said anything, she clamps her hands over her mouth and that's all I need to know.

Me: See, Avril? There's at least one survivor still on that world. Glass it.

Avril: Target-

Child: Stop! Please...

Me: Hmmm...why should I?

Child: I...I-

Me: I see. How about this? Cooperate with me and I won't destroy your friend.

Child: Cooperate?

Me: Be a good girl and don't cause trouble.

Child: I...okay.

Me: I'm trusting you now. Remember not to break that trust.

She doesn't respond but I still tell Avril to stand down before having her contact the world on all available frequencies. Rather than speak, however, I have the little child do the talking and she calls for an Obi-Wan. When he doesn't respond, she clarifies that if he doesn't come out of hiding we'll destroy the surface of the world with him still on it and after a few minutes he shows himself.

Visas: He's a Jedi.

Me: Oh?

Visas: I can feel it.

Me: Well, isn't this little detour getting better and better by the hour?

Avril: Should we send a team to-

Me: No. Just send a shuttle down to retrieve him. Don't take his weapons or anything. 

Avril: But-

Me: Don't worry. There's a plan to this madness.

She relents, ordering a shuttle to retrieve him and before long he's brought to the bridge where our little guest immediately runs to greet him. Seeing her unharmed visibly has an effect on him as he lowers his guard somewhat as he greets her.

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