Ch2: Tatooine (1)

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Tatooine. It had to be Tatooine...why in the force did it have to be Tatooine? Sand and nothing but sand as far as the eye can see. The one place in the Galaxy worse than us dropping out of...sigh...I suppose there is no use complaining about it now.

Avril: We'll be dropping out of Hyperspace momentarily.

Me: Thank you, Admiral. Have a team meet me planetside.

Avril: Sir?

Me: Shae, are you coming?

Shae: Isn't that part of my job description?

Smiling, I decide against dignifying her teasing with a response and instead move towards the exit. She follows me off the bridge and all the way into the main hangar bay where we find a Sith Interceptor being prepped for my use. 

Shae: We aren't taking the Fury?

Me: Too big for what I intend to do.

Climbing in, I've begun strapping myself in when she thinks of asking where her fighter is.

Me: Don't be silly. You're coming with me, remember?

It takes her a while to pick up on my meaning but before long, she's joined me on the inside, choosing to sit in my lap despite there being space to hold her comfortably inside. Still, I don't allow her actions to distract me and as a result, we're out and soaring through the atmosphere in no time.

As we level out, more fighters flank us on either side.

????: 31st Squadron reporting, Sir.

Me: We're heading down to gather intel but be alert. There's no telling who's in charge of this planet right now.

????: Suspecting Jedi, sir?

Me: Just stay alert for anything once we land. Two of you remain airborne should we need cover.

????: Understood.

Deciding against all logic and reason, I manoeuvre through interplanetary traffic until I arrive at a Docking Bay large enough to house my Interceptor and those accompanying me. It's a somewhat tight fit but we all manage to touch down within Docking Bay 15, scaring the life out of the caretakers who all rush out to meet us.

????: Welcome-

Their facial expressions change the minute they see me step out of my Interceptor and as I use the force to gently float down to the ground with Shae in tow, they fall to their knees.

????: To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit, my Lady?

"Lady". It's been a long time since anyone's addressed me as such. 

Me: There's no reason to fear me. I'm not here to do you harm.

The man, clearly the father of the group, glances at the soldiers behind me and Shae before returning his gaze to the ground.

Me: They won't harm you either unless you attempt to hinder us.

????: We would never dream-

Me: Then you have nothing to fear.

With that, I begin making my way towards the exit, leaving two men on guard duty to watch over our aircraft. As I pass by the man and his family, however, I stop and beckon for him to stand. Regardless of how I look at it, there's something off about the world around us. Sure things are similar but they're also drastically different which could only mean one thing. Even if the Sith Empire won, we didn't exit the singularity like we were supposed to.

Me: Remind me, what year is it?

????: Ma'am?

Me: What's the year?

The man looks at me as though I've asked him a trick question in which any answer will end with the massacre of him and his children but after much hesitation, he finally grants me my answer.

????: 6 AFE.

Shae: AFE?

????: After the Formation of the Empire...

He starts looking at us suspiciously but all attention shifts away from us when the sound of blaster fire reaches our ears. Seconds later, a man rushes in with a canister which he tries to hide. Oblivious to our presence, he busies himself with his task only turning around once he's finished.

????: Hanson!

He stops short when he sees us, immediately reaching for the blaster at his side but Shae is faster and easily disarms him with a shot in the arm.

Shae: Any further movements and next time I'll aim between the eyes.

The intruder's eyes flicker to the man and his family who are still on their knees then back to me.

????: Curse you imperial-

Shae fires another round, barely missing his ear. He gets the message and remains silent after that but it isn't long before more come pouring through the now-open doors. They are men armed with blaster rifles and clothed in white armour from head to toe. They are being led by a woman in black who seems rather agitated to see me.

????: Who the hell are you?

Shae reflexively moves for her weapon but I stay her hand with mine before turning to face the girl once more.

Me: The better question would be who you are.

????: This planet is under Imperial Jurisdiction. If you aren't one of us then you must be a Jedi!

She draws her lightsaber and I must say I'm quite surprised by the colour. A bright red, she seems to be a part of the Sith Empire but I haven't once heard the word Sith since setting foot on this pile of sand. Could it be that another Empire has risen and taken our place?

My newfound source of information doesn't wait for me to ask these questions, however, charging at me with everything she has. Almost without thinking, my hand flicks up and she freezes in place. It's almost pathetic really. Her soldiers attempt to assist by opening fire but the bolts from their weapons freeze midair beside their leader before their weapons are eventually ripped clear from their hands and fastened to the nearest surface.

Me: I'm curious, tell me more of this Empire you so boldly speak of.

The girl struggles for breath but when I finally release her just enough to draw air, she hurls nothing but insults my way so I turn towards the man who initially led them here. He, after seeing what I've done to his pursuers, is more open-minded and from him, I learn that a new galactic power is in play. I also find out that the Sith Empire is virtually nothing more than a myth with even the Jedi being relegated to mere stories told in the quiet of the night.

Me: So...we've become a people without a place to call home.

My words are barely audible but from Shae's body reaction, I can tell she's heard. 

Me: Tell Avril to send someone for them. We'll take them with us back to the ship. If we are to stay in this new environment then I need to know everything about it. 

Shae: Aren't you going to explore a bit?

Me: No. Enough people have seen us as is. For now, we'll withdraw.

Shae: What of the man they were pursuing?

Me: Bring him but leave the family behind. They are of little use to me and I'm certain they wouldn't spread rumours about us now, would you?

I turn to face the man and his family who're still cowering to the side. They all nod in approval, vigorously. I smile at their attempts to pacify my potential wrath.

Me: Good.

Star Wars: Darth Nyx (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora