"So you're not thinking of going through the donor center like Freddie and Ally are doing?" Sammy asked.

"No," Harriet shook her head. "I'd rather know the person we pick to be the father of our child rather than him be at random. Which...which is why I think we should do it from the crew."

Sammy tilted her head. "There's not a lot of guys who'll be available from the crew. Henry would do it but I don't think he'd want to be considered a 'donor' after everything with his dad. Nick might but he's completely devoted to Brooke now that he's finally in Auradon, same with Jake and Morgan."

Harriet chuckled. "That's true, that's very true. But I was thinking more along the lines of Derek?"

"Derek? Really?"

"He's a good crew mate, loyal, and someone we like being around for long periods of time. He's also got dark hair and blue eyes so our child would still look like a mixture of us, since you've got blue eyes too. Plus it doesn't hurt that Derek actually has a filter as opposed to Dustin so we can trust him around the kid when they're young."

Sammy snorted. "Yeah, Dustin would not be my first choice to be the father of my child. Though he's got to have chilled with age right?"

"Your guess is as good as mine since he's one of the few Rats still guarding the territory back on the Isle," Harriet shrugged and then sighed. "So are we both on board with Derek being the father of our child?"

"If Derek and Piper are on board as well," Sammy said. "I don't see why they wouldn't be but last thing I want to do is put a wedge in their marriage."

"You and me both," Harriet nodded. "So I think the best course of action would be to invite them over and talk it over with them. Like you said, it's not like we'll be having a child tomorrow."

"Wait," Sammy said. "How...how were you thinking of doing this Harriet? Isn't it rather invasive, with doctors and everything?"

Harriet sighed. "I know that's how Ally's doing it and the invasive way might work for Auradon but call me old fashioned or stuck in the ways of the Isle but I'm not comfortable with that."

"But the only other way is..."

"...That would be the other reason why I'd want someone from the crew to be the father of our child," Harriet sighed. "Trust me Sammy, I don't like it any more than you do and Derek probably won't like the idea either. But at least this way we can control everything. You really think one of those doctors would be gentle when they realize we're from the Isle? Or do you think they'd make the process as painful as they possibly could?"

Sammy sighed and shook her head. Harriet had a point. While Auradon had gotten loads better ever since Mal took the crown, there were still subsections of people who believed that the VKs should never have been taken off the Isle in the first place.

Thankfully though no one seemed to believe that Audrey had had the right idea so there was no threat of revolution anytime soon.

"I guess we should talk to Derek," Sammy said. "Though...there's always a chance he'll say no."

"I want him to if he's not comfortable with it," Harriet told her as they left their bedroom to call their crew mate. "I don't want him agreeing just because I outranked him when we were all on the Isle."

"Technically, cap'n, you still outrank him."

"Hush you," Harriet chuckled and shook her head before pulling out her cell phone and calling Derek. One phone call and about fifteen minutes later, Derek and Piper were sitting in Harriet and Sammy's living room.

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