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Since I'm still on my path of redemption and forgiveness I've been spending the last few hours fixing up the miyagi dojo yard while they were training.

"Everyone gather around. The all valley committee just announced big changes for the tournament. kiara, you can stop i think this might intrigue you to." Daniel said as he walked out from the building. All of the students gathered around and i sat on the deck near me.

"What kind of changes?" Sam asked.
As curious as i was, i didn't really want to compete anymore.

"Well, see for yourselves. Its a whole new ball game." Daniel handed his daughter and demetri the paper to read over. "They're introducing skills competitions? Kata, board breaking, weapons display?"

" and theres gonna be a separate girls division. So that means..." "theres gonna be two all valley champs." I said as i hopped down and walked towards them. They looked at me and then back to the paper.

"What about the bet?" "Theres a grand champion trophy for whichever dojo wins the most points." "Either way, i want nothing to do with it." I said as i went back to gardening.

"Well in that case all i know is the girls division is mine." Sams to cocky, theres no way shes gonna win. "I wouldn't be to sure sam, if Kiara somehow changes her mind and does take part, your toast." I heard demetri say.

Its nice to know that I've got support on things i no longer do.

"Well that just leaves the skills and the boys, I'm counting on you all." I felt bad for Daniel. They were in terrible shape and johnny took the best of what was left.

"We cant win! Were a bunch of Rudy's, were good for the occasional inspirational moment but other than that were not center mat material. Were Literally a team of people who get picked last for teams!" "We were much better off with Miguel or hawk. But now Miguel's off with johnny and hawks M.I.A."

"He who shall not be named would've helped!" "All due respect Demetri but what does Voldemort have to do with this" i asked from my position on the ground.

"His name rhymes with dobby!"
3rd person:

Look sensei i know things got heated at miyagi do, but with these new changes i really think having them on our team might help?" Miguel questioned johnny.

"I have nothing to say to him. Were better off without them. Its time for us to take care of our own business. We'll find a girl champ don't worry." "Sensei theres one available up for grabs. Just talk to her."

"I hurt her Miguel. Shes not going to want in. Especially after what happened between her and hawk." "Sensei shes fine now! Word is shes moving on and shes not at any dojo. If i know anything about Kiara shes gonna want in on this girl competition."

Johnny sighed and dismissed Miguel.

He knew Kiara was perfect for this but there was no way he could get her to compete let alone join.
Kiaras pov:

"Word is your dad and miguel are perving to get students to join their dojo." "WHAT!" I slammed my locker to see moon and landon staring at me trying not to laugh.

"Come with us."

We ran down the halls and out the back door to the field to see my dad putting baby oil on miguel.

"You can not be serious." "Oh but they are. They asked my entire team." Moon said as we sat on the bleachers to watch the show.

Miguel began awkwardly flexing his arms to get girls attentions.
"What is he doing? He looks constipated!" Landon said while laughing.

The kiss on his muscles took me out. "Their fools!" "Moon go up to them!" I pushed her as we laughed. "What no!" "Come on!" "Theres no way I'm joining!"

Who would've thought detention on a Saturday would've been this funny!
Elis pov:

I was on my laptop when i heard feet storming down the stairs of my basement.

"Where the hell have you been?!" " Demetri how'd you even get in here?" he walked up to me and threw a key at me.

"Uh, your moms left keys under that ugly gnome since kindergarten for you. Dude you really need to increase your security given, you know, the karate war! But thats not important now." He was pacing back and forth.

"Okay, then whats so important?"

"Have you been living under a rock?! The all valley has separate gender divisions! I mean, do i look like miyagi dos best hope at defeating robby keene?!" I closed my laptop and huffed before looking back up at him.

"I mean mr.larusso says that anyone can be a hero but im not batman! Im more like alfred bot even cat woman, scratch that- YOUR BATMAN! And Kiaras cat woman!"

I sent him a look of annoyance.

"Oh right, i forgot. Your not a dc guy. Whatever . Forget batman, your the Hawk!"

"Yeah not anymore." I took off my hoodie and hat to reveal my buzzcut. I hated it. I hated the feeling.

"Hey atleast it looks better than the last time i saw it. Also why haven't you been to school i saw you for like 3 seconds and you disappear?!"

"Everyone at school knows what happened. It's embarrassing." "Who cares what they think? Besides, it'll grow back."

"Yeah well i also saw Kiara get asked to the prom by Landon before i got to ask her. I ruined my reputation. Talked a big game, told the one person I've ever loved i hated her and just proved i was an asshole. To Kiara, to Miguel, especially you. I got what I deserved."

"Hey i forgave you remember? And i don't care if you have a mohawk or a mullet, or pigtails, miyagi do needs you! And kiaras not even mad at you!" "Shes not?"

I left her there in the dirt on the ground over something that wasn't her fault.

"Everyone knows that girl could never be mad at you!"

"Well- either way im not going back to miyagi do."

"Thats just great! You're choosing eagle fang over your best friend!"

"Im not going back to eagle fang either! What if kiaras right? What if it is better to just stop? All its done is put us in the hospital and cause problems! Im done with karate man. I quit."

"You cant quit." We both turned our heads to the stairs and there she was in all her glory.

Kiara fucking Lawrence

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