"I dont fuck losers"

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Kiaras pov:

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Kiaras pov:

Moon and i were sitting in her kitchen talking while she made a smoothie for sam since she was stopping by there later.

"I gotta give it to you moony, these smoothies are relaxing." "Thanks,its the hemp oil." "Hmm hemp oil you say?" " calm down Kiki it wont get you high." "Mm bummer" we talked about the whole hawk/Landon situation and how Landon knows its just sex.

"I wish i could stay and chit chat moony but I've got karate." I hugged her and ran out with a second smoothie.

We had special training today so we had to be early.

I left my drink in the car since we would only be inside for a bit.

"Heyy tory,Aisha." "Hey girl" "hey" we all stretched a bit until my dad arrived and miguel and i gave our condolences for his late friend Tommy.

"Everybody,get your gis on. Training starts in 5 minutes." We all looked at each other confused and walked up to my dad.

"Whats wrong" "nothing dads its just we"Miguel cut me off "i just thought we were going to the woods for a special training today." "What's happening in the woods?"

"Well, I thought now was a good time to separate the men from the boys, and I suppose the girls too." "How?" "Coyote creek." "Im not sure they're ready for that, kiara, maybe cause shes been training for years but the rest" "there's only one way to find out "

"were ready sensei, we wanna prove ourselves " hawk spoke up from next to miguel and i.

"Its up to sensei Lawrence. If he says its ok, then, and only then, is it ok." Miguel attempted to give my dad sad eyes but it wasn't working so i nudged him a bit and made my eyes water a bit as a plead.

"Alright, what are you waiting for? Lets go."

"Damn kiara, for a minute i didn't think he would agree but you pulled those eyes." " he's always been a sucker for my sad face."
"Hey kia, some of us are gonna need a ride and you kinda have a bigger car and stuff." I agreed to give some people a ride.

I got in the front and saw exactly who needed a ride and made tory sit in the front while the middle row consisted of Aisha, miguel, and hawk.

I started my car and entered the location in the gps, handed tory the aux, and went to reach for my drink but it wasn't there.

"Wheres my-" "jeez doll face, whats in this thing?" I looked up to see hawk sipping on my smoothie and snatched it.

"1.don't touch my stuff, and 2. Fresh açaí, organic kale and....hemp oil." I said the last part with a smirk as I started driving. "Hemp?! Hemp like as in weed?!" "Yup" "holy shit where did you even get that?" Tory said with a laugh.
"Moon made it".

We arrived and everyone got out the car but me...and hawk. The little shit jumped in to the front seat. "Watch out, my interior!" "Chill ki, i fucked you on this seat so a little shoe mark isn't anything." "It was the backseat not the front." "Yeah i know but i wanted to know if you remembered" he tucked my stray hairs behind my ear. "Wanna do it again?" "With you loser? No. I only fuck winners." "Yeah?" "Yeah." I hoped out of the car and walked up to everyone else.

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