Your you

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Kiaras pov:

Last night was....hectic.

Miguel hit sam. Sam showed up to the party with some other guy. Aisha split Yasmine in half. While all of that was happening Eli and i were having-

"Yo Miguel, calm down,man. Save some for the tournament" Eli said cutting off my train of thought as we stood out side the arena.
"Hey don't even bother. He's been super agro since the breakup." "Woahhh breakup? I mean i warned him but yikes"

"Wheres sensei the tournaments gonna start soon" "he'll be here" "i wouldnt know about that" "what are you talking about." Eli, aisha and i shot our heads towards bert. "I saw him last night in the mini mall. I was buying a....carton of milk, When i heard him in the parking lot yelling about how we were all gonna die." "Sounds like him." "Well why didnt you tell us this earlier?!" Aisha said while eli looked confused.

"I dont know, i guess im so used to seeing him drunk that it didnt seem like a big deal." "Well were here and hes not. So its official a big deal. What if something happened to him?" "Like what?"  "I dont know. Like what if he drove his car off a cliff or bought a gun and blew his brains out." " no my dad would never kill himself." "Its a pussy move." "Whatever. i mean,  were here. Were gonna have to do it without him." Eli said somewhat mad and miguel just shook his head. But from the distance i saw the father of the year.

"Do what without me?" "Sensei" "hey dad". "We didn't think you were gonna show up." "I may not always win, but i never back out of a fight."

We all went and put our gis on waiting to be announced.

"Hey kid theres something i gotta tell you" my dad said pulling me aside. "What is it?" "Its about your brother." "What happened?!" "He-hes living with the larussos" "what?!" Has robby lost his damn mind?!

"Look kid. You cant tell anyone hes your brother. It'll ruin the dojo" i nodded to my dad and walked to my spot in line as we started running in chanting. "Cobra kai, cobra kai, cobra kai..." the announcer kept announcing dojos until one particular opponent introduction caught my attention.

"Fighting unaffiliated, robby keene!"


Eli, miguel and i made it to the quarter finals.

Eli and miguel best there opponents easily wich meant either one could be the next all valley champ.

I walked onto the mat. I was fighting this really huge dude.

"Face me,bow. Face each other,bow" immediately after the referee gave us permission to start fighting the dude swung at my face but i ducked in time.

"Come on princess. Come back to my place after you lose." "Don't you mean after you lose, and no thanks. I have a boyfriend" "what he doesn't know wont hurt him. Come on don't play hard to get slut. Don't worry ill go easy on you know but later when your on your knees for me-"

I kicked him in his stomach and upper cut his face when he knelt over. As soon as i saw he was about to strike back i kicked him.....

                   In.the. Throat

I smirked as he fell flat on the ground so i kicked him in the balls.

Shit. I tried to run past my dad but he grabbed my arm. "What the hell was that!" "He-" " you know what, i don't wanna hear it. Your you, of course you would do something like this. I knew Miguel would be my only chance at winning." What? I looked at Miguel then my dad and stormed off.

I love Miguel truly but ever since he came in our lives he ruined mine. I don't blame him though, he didn't intend to do it but I'm just tired. Its always Miguel this. Miguel that. My dad doesn't even ask where i am or how my day is.

Sometimes i wish i was still a daddy's girl.....

Flashback/ 7 yrs ago:

Kiara was having a hard time with girls and johnny hated seeing his baby so down.

"Kiara come here." "Yes daddy?" "Im gonna teach you something, and the next time someones mean to you, you use what i taught you and kick their loser asses!"  The rest of the day johnny taught Kiara karate and to her luck. She was a damn natural .

Later that night as johnny was passed out drunk on the couch Kiara got out of the shower, braided her hair and put on one of her dads band shirts. It always made her feel closer to him.

She laid in bed trying to sleep but instead she got ip and went to the living room to see her dad knocked out cold.

"Daddy, i love you forever and ever. Please don't leave me. I need you. I don't have anyone else" Kiara whispered to him and grabbed a blanket laying on his chest on the couch covering them both and pecked his cheek before going to sleep.

Little did Kiara know. Johnny was up the entire time but pretended to sleep because he had planned on scaring her up until she confessed how she felt about him.

Johnny held her close and ran his hands down her hair thinking of how lucky he felt to have a saint like her in his life. She never complained when Johnny couldn't buy her what she wanted and she never was ungrateful.

He knew that that little girl was the reason he was still alive ........

I went back into the arena and just as I walked in i saw hawk kick robby's  shoulder. I just sighed and waited for him to storm off cause of his disqualification so i could follow him, and that's exactly what happened.

"Eli" i said trying to catch up with him. He stopped and turned towards me. "Look Kiara i don't wanna-"  "I'm not here to yell at you. That would make me a hypocrite."  He smirked and walked towards me and kissed me and i kissed back.

Since Eli got disqualified that means Miguel's in the finals and not to be a jerk but i don't care to watch.

"Hey honey bee, wanna leave?" "Wont your dad be mad?" "So, were both disqualified already." I held my hand out and he took it as we went to the locker room to grab our bags.

We drove around until we got to golf n stuff. "I figured we could use a little fun, the all valleys gonna be going for another hour or 2 so we should be good." We got out of the car and ran inside holding hands with big smiles on our faces as we ran around playing games. "Come on, lets go to the photo booth!" "Anything for you beautiful."

We sat in the photo booth and took four pictures. The 1st of us smiling at each other, The second with goofy faces, the third was of me looking down blushing as he kissed my cheek and the last was of us holding each other kissing. You could feel the happiness and love threw the pictures.

I Don't think it's possible for me to love anyone like i do him.

I cant even attempt to look at another as i do him. I cant even imagine another person touching me the way he does.

There's nothing I wouldn't do for him....


A/n: I'm sorry i didn't post but I've been really busy and i didn't wanna write this chapter cuz i really had no idea what to do and not keep the main focus on Miguel winning (also idk whats up with me doing all these flashbacks.maybe its just all my daddy issues💀) but at 3 am i came up with this💕

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