Here we go again

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"There's a reason Miyagi do is difficult to learn." My brother currently had all of the cobras doing the 'wax on, wax off, or whatever that is, sounds like a chore to me.

"These blocks are incredibly precise. Each one is designed to overcome a specific attack. Kiara stiffen up your arms you look loose." Everyone looked over at me and without putting up a fight I did as he said. I've been getting therapy or whatever and my 'life coach', as she likes to be called, believes that biting my tongue and breathing will help me on my way to redemption.

Moon recommended her.

"The more you learn Miyagi do, the tougher you are to defeat." When did karate go from fun to juvenile?

"Except for one tiny flaw." Kreese cut in and stood in front of us "Their entire style is reactive, which means all their moves are counter moves. That means that we are in control and we can use that to set traps."

"Show me paint the fence," Robby said to me, he looked like he was trying to provoke me in a way.

"Come on Robby, you know I know it." "Stop being a lazy ass, do it." He yelled in my face.

Bite your tongue!

I did the motion and the next thing I knew I was on the floor. My blood was boiling, who does he think he is? Fucking show-off, ill show him.

"Sorry, just part of the lesson." I jumped at him and threw him on the floor before attempting to punch him in the throat but Kresse stopped me.

"Enough! Lawrence, my office. Now! Robby, continue your lesson." Robby pushed me off and got up while I stood up and rushed into the office barefoot.

"What is it?" kresse asked while I fumbled my thumb "What's what?" "One minute your weak, the next your attacking your brother. You've been acting strange since the big fight Lawrence. I may start to believe you'll be the next to go, after all, you've basically handed your brother your spot as the head cobra."

"Ive just been ...stressed. You know im loyal to the dojo." "Are you, really?" "Yes, I've been here since day one, why would i be the one in question?!" "Because I've called you Lawrence twice and you've yet to snap at me like you used to. Your getting weak, and you know what happens to the weak?"

"They get cut off?" "They get killed off, And don't you forget that. Get back to class." He dismissed me before i could argue back. Did that ancient man just threaten me? I gotta get out of here, and soon.

"Hey Eli. Wow, that feel odd but nice to say." As i plopped down onto the couch in his basement.

"Hey kia, you park down the street?" "You know it. Whats up?" "Not much, you?" "Moons helping me learn to align my chakras and stuff so that way i can find my inner peace and forgive everyone and get out of the cobra hell." "Forgive? I thought you already did that? You hated me 4 weeks ago and now your on my couch."

"I haven't forgave you, not completely but i want to make amends. What we had was toxic Eli, we were both in some dark ass places. I know you changed after the fight but i had a hard time coping with that but the other day I realized you aren't in the wrong, i was- i am."

"Well I'm just glad I'm the first on your list. Even if things aren't how i want them to be, its nice to just be Friends. Hows dug?" "Dug?" "Come on Kiara, were friend's now right? You can tell me this kind of stuff."

Truth is i haven't talked to Doug since the big fight. He quite karate and moved, he was a prick to.

I want to tell Eli the truth, truly. I just don't want him getting his hopes up about us because I'm to much of a coward to know if I'll actually leave the cobras. Hell, I'm to much of a coward to even park in his driveway!

"So, hows life at eagle do?" "It's pretty good, I'm back in everyone's good graces cause of the deck. By the way, thanks for the help." "No problem." "Today we had to catch a fish from a Coi pond and Miguel fell in, it was grade A humor." He bursted into laughter while replaying the memory in his head.

God that stupid smile on his stupid face. My entire body got warm from the inside out.

"You're late, again." I heard as i walked into the dojo. I missed yesterday to hang with moon at night and Eli during the day so I'm definitely in trouble.

"Sorry. Traffic." "Was there traffic yesterday when you missed practice?" Robby asked sarcastically. "No. I had things that needed to be handled." "Those things are more important than the all valley." "Yes." I looked at him and removed my shoes and threw my gi over the clothes i was already wearing.

We all stood around the mat as kyler and some other boy were practicing and Kyler flipped him over his shoulder.

"Good job mr. Park." Kresse said emerging from his office. "Thats right! do that all day!" I rolled my eyes and looked over at tory who was whispering in my brothers ear as another kid walked in.

"I want another shot." Who the hell is this kid?
"Im sorry, i don't have the time to teach weakling's." "Give him another chance sensei. Maybe he'll surprise you." "Alright, on the mat. Mr. Park, make this quick." He took his shoes off and met Kyler in the middle.

Robby had a smirk on his face. "What did you do doofus?" I whispered to him. "None of your business, if you showed up like your supposed to you would be caught up. Careful Farrah, you don't want people to think your giving up your spot." He glared at me and watched the fight.

"Look at him, running to mommy. Bye you little bitch." Kyler started to laugh at the flinching boy. I saw the anger in the boys eyes. It was so familiar, like I've seen that pain and anger before in someone else.

He balled up his fist and ran at Kyler striking him in the face. "He's fast. Thats good." I said to tory and robby.

"What the hell?! He hit me when i wasn't looking! Thats some bullshit." "You're right, he didn't line up, so that wont count as a point."

"Sorry, i didn't know the rules." He's to innocent for this, i felt this urge to get him out as fast as i could.

"That was your one chance." He was beginning to walk away when it hit me.


He's like Eli.

"Where you going mr. Payne? Take your spot."

Shit, here we go again.

Love on the brain - E.MWhere stories live. Discover now