"I'll stay"

617 13 0

3rd person:

Kiara pulled up at landons right after and climbed up the window to his window to find him laying on his bed with headphones on.

"Pst landon,land,landyyy" he turned to the side and jumped to open the window wider and help her in.

"H-hey kiara." "Hi landon" "i dont wanna be rude but why are you here?" "Eh, i got in an argument with hawk because of today and i just thought you were the only person i could talk to and would listen." Kiara said while fumbling with his shirt. She didnt want anyone to talk to, she wanted someone that would help her blow off a little...steam.

"Y-yeah,sure. Ya know kiara, you can come to me for anything" he said flustered hoping she wanted to do what he wanted and she sure as hell did. "Anything?" "Anything!" He said nodding his head.

"Good,can i-can i kiss you?" She asked batting his eyelashes as she wrapped her arm around the back of his neck and the other held his cheek."yeah" she pulled him closer and kissed him softly. She didnt know if he was a virgin or not. She moved to his neck and sucked on it lightly.

"Wait! I have to tell you something." "If your a virgin its fi-" "no its just, im a miyagi do." "So what? That means we cant be close...freinds?" She said while lowering down to his pants and gently touching him. "No, of course we can, i just thought-" "shhh, you talk a little to much when you shouldn't Landon" she kissed him to quite him and could feel him growing.
"Can i touch you?" "Yes."  She un zipped his pants and pulled his boxers off and slowly started stroking him. "Shit ki-" she lowered her head and started to suck him off.

"Hey landon?" "Yea kiara?" "Can i fuck you?" "God yes"
Kiara woke up to a phone ringing.

"Landon shut it off." He picked it up and answered and kiara went to the bathroom. She looked in the mirror and saw a few hickeys on her neck and checked the time "shit!" She had karate in a bit. Luckily she had spanks with her but would have to borrow one of landons shirts.

She went to go ask him but saw him standing against the wall of his bedroom. "Landon? Whats wrong?" "Cobra kais, they trashed my dojo. Im not accusing you but did you have anything to do with that?" "What? Landon no. I was with you last night" he nodded and apologized for accusing her.

"Hey Landon, i hate to say this but i have karate like now and i-can I borrow a shirt?" "Yeah sure." He smiled at her and tossed a hockey shirt at her and she rushed to put it on.

"Ill see you later land, thanks for last night!" She climbed out of his window and ran to her car.

She ran in to the dojo and towards the locker room and threw her gi on. "Dang girl, you really got something to cheer you up yesterday didn't you" Aisha said while laughing and tory snickered.

"What?" "Your neck looks like you were attacked by a vampire" tory said smirking.
"yeah, possibly one who's on the hockey team named...Landon." Aisha teased "Oh shush! I just needed to let off a little steam." "I got a little kiss last night to" "wait who?" "Miguel" "Yeah well, did you see the video of the mall fight?" "No but i heard about it." "Alright girls! Lets go." Johnny yelled through the door and they all entered the front of the dojo. Kiara walked past her dad not caring that he would see the hickeys. She wanted people to see them, especially hawk. She wanted him to know that she wasn't his.

The cobras all sat in a circle kneeled as hawk and miguel sparred. Miguel punched hawk in the stomach and sensei Lawrence congratulated him.

Just then daniel larusso stormed in and everyone stood up.

"What the hell do you think your doing?"
"Like you don't know" "take your shoes off my mat. Your disrespecting my dojo." "You're seriously gonna talk to me about disrespecting dojos after what you just did to mine?!"
"What are you talking about? I didn't do anything to your dojo." "Just like you didn't slug one of my employees huh?" Kiara turned and saw hawk looking down and figured out who did it immediately.

Love on the brain - E.MDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora