crazy bitch

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" so the saint rises!" I look over at Robby as I punch the punching bag. "sorry you had to sleep on the floor." "I've slept in rougher paces." "likewise." "give me a few days Robby and ill have this all figured out." "there's coffee if you'd like, not the best but its there" "ooh i want some"

"Not so fast sunshine. Coffee makes you hyper Wich makes you tired and that makes you slow. You cant win with slow" "boo you suck! I'm already tired from these stupid solo lessons." "thanks for letting me crash here" " you can stay as long as you like. come here, maybe you'll be easier to teach then your twin" "I can hear you!" "good. this is called the cobra strike it consists of two moves. the lunge and the bite-"

"what the hell are you doing here?!" "back up bird!" I pushed him away from my brother and kreese. I don't know who the hell he thinks he can get crazy with. "hold on now, Mr. Keene is our guest."

kreese, hawk and I walked into kreeses office. I wasn't supposed to be in there but I'm way to god damn nosey for my own good.

"hes not one of us" "with the all valley back on, we need as much strength as we can get" "we don't need him-" "we cant have the terror twins with just one twin." "there barely even twins! he put Miguel in the hospital. hes the enemy" "maybe Miguel deserved it" "do you hear yourself Kiara!?" "loud and clear birdy"

"you know when I was over seas, it was hard to tell who was the enemy. the defense is local one minute, pull a knife on your throat the next. you know what I learned?" "what's that?" we asked at the same time

" the enemy of your enemy, is your friend" "great, my brothers my only friend." I said sarcastically as I hopped off the desk and walked off but I was a little bored so I swayed my hips just incase hawk was looking.

I stopped in front of tory and she gave me a 'really?' look "what?" "I saw that. you were totally swaying your hips on purpose!" "so, I'm bored" "yeah and horny" "am not!" "oh yeah. look at him, wait don't! you guys somehow telepathically transfer the horny to each other" "tory, that's stupid."


"okay we've got one shot at this. quick, in and out, we'll be good. know what you got to do?" "hell yeah." "Alright, sweet." mission of the day.... steal a snake.

"someone took there sweet ass time." "seriously, any longer and I was thinking about flashing the security as a diversion if we weren't done in time." "you invited him?" "we did" "what? you got a problem with that bird?"

"here you go Keene." Kyler tried handing him the beer that was supposed to be mine but I dint want it. "nah I'm good" "what you cant handle a sip of beer?" "nah, I just don't need to drink to pretend to be cool" tory and I snorted causing hawk to glare at the two of us but I flipped him off. "you think that's funny" "alright lets get going before I kick mohawk in the jaw." I said while climbing through the fence.

"the zoo? why'd we have to sneak in?" "you'll see" "just wait my sweet brother" " I lightly tapped his cheek and did a  cartwheel for fun. "come on this way, lets go Kiara"

"alright weve got less then 5 minutes before the guard gets back" "chill Ill just flash him." "your not flashing anyone!" hawk and Robby silently yelled at me. "ugh, you losers are no fun" we run up the stairs and into the employees only room.

"you have the snake pole?" "aw, shit! snake pole, right" " I orchestrated this entire plan. you didn't bring the one thing you were in charge of?!" " I forgot okay. I've got a lot on ,y mind right now, if I don't pass trig this semester my dads gonna shit in my mouth!" "I'm sorry what?!" I looked at him grossed out

"just reach in and grab the snake." "Are you insane? im not gonna stick my hand in there." "move! ill do it." I rolled up my sleeve and stuck my hand in but hawk grabbed it and pulled it back "you aren't either" "eww let go of me!"

"hey whos in there!?" everyone started running except Robby and I who just smirked at each other and threw the snake in his backpack and ran off.

"what the hell dumbass!" "dude at least I brought the beer." "we failed the mission because of you!" "who said we failed?" Robby said climbing out of the fence right after me and held up the bag.

"no way?! you guys got it?!" "dude are you serious?!" everyone gathered around the bag and looked at the snake. "ayy you the man dog!" I reached in and pulled it up. "isn't it cute!" "woah what the hell. back up you crazy bitch." "Kiara are you pshyco?!"

"I didn't grab it, she did" Robby looked back and smiled at me as I was petting the snake.


"quick Kiara put it back in!" "humph where have I heard that before?" "stop being dirty!" "I thought you liked when I was dirty" "stop it Kiara. cause if you wont stop yourself I wont even be able to stop myself!" "to bad I don't want to." I was getting closer to hawk. everyone had left by now but I stayed to play with the snake and I'm not sure what he was doing here.

"god your so fucking crazy and its so hot" "yeah?" my face was right in front of his to the point where we were breathing each others air, "yeah" "you know ive been thinking." "about?" "how about we take a little blast to the past. "I like the way you think"....

a/n: Imagine the rest cause I don't wanna go to hell for this!😟🥲

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