"Jay? Oh, I'm sorry" I let him go and hop of the couch, "I forgot where I was for a bit there".

Always know your surroundings, that was the first course in KDB academy! How the hell am I Koviks lieutenant?

Control yourself y/n, you're a trained hitman and assassin, 528 missions and 436 assignments, 964 successes, a dream will not destroy you like this, I forbid it.


"It's not really okay but fine"

I sit back down and lean away from Jay, on the arm of the couch.

A soft touch to my shoulder makes me look back over to him, his face lit up by the moon let's me see his soft smile.

"You smile a lot"


"Really? You don't realize it? I always see you smile"

Jay leans back, a blanket of darkness going over his face.

"Are you hiding your face?"

In the darkness I see his shake his head violently.

"Yes you are, I know a liar even if you don't say anything", I mean, I literally do, I'm trained for it.

He sits up straight his turns his body away from me. Regular people are so funny.

I stand and stretch a bit, "Where's the kid?".

Jay shrugs and stands along with me and we both look around in both rooms and I find him under Jays bed.

I sit down on the floor next to the bed and poke at the kids cheek. The kids eyes open slowly and he smiles.

"Bread?" He whispers

"Sure, come on"

The kid crawls out from under Jays bed and walks along with me back to the living room.

"No name right?"

"think have one, but can't remember" He looks down as he walks, "mom not said my name to much. She...uh..called?"

"Yes, called is the right word"

He smiled happily at his small success, "she called me 'thing' or 'babo', what does babo?", his lean face tilted up, looking at my eyes.

"It means.....", Mutt? If I tell him he might be sad, but he also might not understand what it is, "do you know what it means?"


"Well, you know what a dog is, right?"

"Yeah! Dogs are cute!"

"Well, babo is a....unkind way, of saying dog"

"Oh? What does unkind.......means?"

"Mean", I corrected, "it means, let's say I yelled at you, I was angry at you, that would mean I was being unkind"

"Oh, what does babo mean?"

"It means mutt", He grabs my hand as we start searching around for Jay, "do you know your mothers name?"

"No, I can't remember", he shared, "but she (never) said she was (my) mom, she said she cant (believe) I was her nef-neph-neptun?"

"Nephew, you were her nephew", poor kid, doesn't even know his parents, wonder if Kovik can help him, he did with me.

"So she was your aunt? A aunt is the sister of your mother"



A Comfortable Silence (Jayxreader)Where stories live. Discover now