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****|:|2-MONTHS LATER|:|****

IT'S BEEN A MONTH SINCE  ALEXANDER ASKED MICHELLE TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND. To save you the worry of wondering what her reply was, it was a yes... Days and weeks had passed by and they had grown very close to each other, she spent her time on his chat, and at night she would sacrifice her sleep and talk to him when nobody noticed. 



"Shit! Today is Saturday, what's the need for an alarm, Rachael?" Michelle groaned, pushing her sister who is still fast asleep beside her. 

"Alright get up, house chores time!"The doors opened wide, and Mrs Adams walked in, spreading the curtains open and permitting the sunlight to creep into the room. Michelle sat up immediately, staring outside the glowing glass window, she picked up her phone, expecting a text from Alex but to her greatest dismay, he hadn't sent her a warm 'Good morning text', this was strange to her, she thought,  "Unlike him, he never forgets to send his love and kisses to me." She debated for a while if it was wise for her to text him and see what the issue was.

Rachael groaned behind her. "Always on your phone!" It was more like a compliment to her than an issue. She tossed her phone to the side, dissenting to text him first but immediately she grabbed her phone, as soon as her sister stepped out of the room and swiped a 

MICHELLE~"Hi! Good Morning, Babe 💓, How was your night?😘," <7:35 AM>
 She went through the text five times before deciding to hit the send button. She stared at the screen for 10 minutes, but he didn't reply yet, she was beginning to worry, so Michelle faced her phone down and took a deep breath and thought.

"What if he is still asleep?"
   ~"No dimwit, the message has two blue ticks."  She slapped her head dramatically.
~" Or what if, he is busy?" She shook off the thoughts of him cheating on her, Staring back at the phone screen, he hasn't replied yet, she slid her phone under the pillow and went to the bathroom for a morning bath.

        Three hours, bygone, and Michelle checked her phone and still saw no text from him, she frustratedly archived his chat. She counted up to 100 and checked the archived box and saw his chats pop up.

"Finally!" She exhaled, hurriedly clicked his chats and read his message.

ALEX~"Hey Baby 😥.
      I am sorry for the late reply, had to rush my mother to the hospital this morning.😞"<11:10AM>

Michelle felt heartbroken at the sad news, she felt worried and concerned for the poor woman.

MICHELLE~"I am so sorry, Babe 🥺🥺 <11:11 AM>
        Hope she is better now. I will be praying for her quick recovery." Michelle said the only thing she could at that time. There was a long pause, Alex didn't chat with her for a while before sending her his reply.

ALEX~"Thank you... Babe, can I ask you for a favour?"<11:35 AM>
 Michelle stared at his text and thought of what favour he meant.
MICHELLE~"Yeah!"<11:35 AM.>

ALEX~"Please can you send me 10k, please? I want to use the money to buy drugs for my mother."< 11:40 AM>. Michelle's face turned into a frown. She wasn't sad because he asked, but because she didn't have the money he requested for.

MICHELLE~"Alex! I,...I don't have that amount of money..., I don't even have money.😟😟"<11:43 AM>.  She prayed that he would understand what she meant but she thought so highly of him.

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