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"FUCK! " O-O-HH-MY-YOU ARE SO FUCKING TIGHT AND WET AT THE SAME TIME." Noah moaned into Michelle's ears. She stared at the television in front of her, which displayed two young teens acting on their roles in the movie. She didn't flinch or cooperate with Noah's flow of ecstasy. As hot tears trickled down her eyes, she prayed for their meeting to end. She thought about the days Noah used to shower his affection on her but now he sucks her off, only for pleasure and from the look of it, she was tired. Noah finally stopped trying to force himself inside her and drew his tight shorts below his abs, Michelle quickly wiped off the tears before Noah could catch a glimpse of them. She pretended to be tired from their nothing but one-sided pleasure, he smiled at her and spanked her butt before leaving her to dress. After so many seconds of dressing and thinking, she sat by his side in front of the television, taking out her phone, she thought, if she didn't leave, she would be late for lectures. 

    "When does your lecture start?" As if he was reading her mind, Noah asked.
       "Oh, uh...10,...I should be there before 10, like at least 9, since the time is 8:12." She said, fidgeting.    Noah stood up and pulled her to her feet gently.

"Let's go, I will drop you by the taxi station and you will take the transport, straight to school." He said and she nodded.

**** ||8:15 AM||****

"What do you say, come again, later in the evening, before you go home," Noah said, looking at Michelle out the window, who had stopped to thank him for the ride. She didn't like his idea of visits, and she wasn't up for another sex schedule. 

"So, what's your answer?" Noah asked again, pressing on the matter, she thought he would drop. She thought he had, had enough fun with her an hour ago and now he demands more. She thought wisely before giving him his answer.

"Ok, I will come again..." She sighed heavily, her junior seld in her mind, scolded her for letting Noah have his time again.

"Okay, that's great... I will be waiting, don't keep me waiting and do not forget to text me as soon as you are done with lectures." He said smirking.

"I won't, bye!" She waved at him before jumping into a taxi.

Days after that evening, and another day after those and weeks after those days, Michelle kept visiting Noah and satisfying his desires, she felt like a tramp but this time to just one master. And every other day, she visited him, she cried herself to sleep and thought vigorously about it as bondage.

   It was April finally and she summoned the courage to stop visiting him and giving him what he wanted, every time he called and text her, she ignored his desires for her satisfaction and focused on a better suitable life without him. 

****SEPTEMBER 15TH*****
< 7:15 PM>

"Hello!" Michelle whispered on the phone. It was Janet, she hasn't talked to her since she left for school in another state.
"Hey, babe! How are you doing?" Janet yelled through the phone, Michelle covered her ears and took the phone off her ears for a while before placing the call on speaker. 

"I am good, J-AA-N-E-TT and what about you? Hope you are killing the school and not the school killing you?" Michelle laughed. 
"Well, what can I say, the school is nice and also stressing me a bit...anyway, I have something to talk to you about." Janet's tone became serious. Michelle stood before her mirror and pulled her long braids into a tired-loose bun. 

"Ok...I am listening."
"Noah,...spoke to me last night and said you guys ain't talking no more, is that true?" Michelle's shoulder sagged as soon as she heard his name. She was over him now and pressing to move on. But his name always finds its way back into her life. 

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