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Male Byleth x (All Genders) reader

Title: An Extra Layer Of Protection

Game: Fire Emblem: Three Houses




B l o o d
V i o l e n c e
S p o i l e r s (?)


Not too long ago you and the rest of the golden deer had an exam, which not many did well on. You were one of those many that did awful at it, however, there was a certain green-haired professor who was very, very kind, and decided to give the ones who didn't do so well extra credit.
You and more than half of the golden deer house we're sitting in the classroom, watching the mysterious professor explain the assignment.
"We'll be going out into the woods, where we will be finding a tome Edelgard wants to get her hands-on, and we have to get it before she does." You stared at your professor with curiosity as you listened to his voice that you could never get bored listening to.
Professor Byleth was a rather interesting character to you, you always tried to read him but you couldn't— especially when his father got killed right in front of him— he became so... emotionless and rather cold. You could barely tell how he was feeling, and you still weren't used to him with the mint/ green hair- even though the color suited him really well.
"We'll be meeting in front of the classroom at 7 sharp. That leaves you an hour and a half to pack for a one day, two-night trip and hike. Bring your training weapon and battle weapon- even though I doubt we'll run anything- just do it to be safe. And, always being an extra layer of protection- even if it's just a coat like mine. You are dismissed." His eyes showed that he was completely serious about what he said, especially the extra layer of protection.
He was so serious about the extra layers of protection, especially when golden deer were about to have a battle, no one knows why- no one will ever know why. But, you assumed it was because of something he did in the past that traumatized him, it would make sense- especially when he talks to himself or some imaginary friend in his dormitory.
You, and the rest of the extra credit class, stood up from your desks and walked out of the classroom, you glanced back at the professor for a second, he was still at his desk with his scowl, he folded his hand on his desk, he sat in his chair straight as he watched his students leave.

~Time Skip~

You, and the rest of your classmates looking for extra credit, were standing out in front of the closed and locked classroom doors, exactly what you were told.
You had a heavy backpack on your shoulders, just like everyone else. Your (weapon) sticking out of the sides of it, again, just like everyone else's. You were all in your uniforms, some wore a thick coat over it, but others, like yourself, are not. Some have it in their already huge bags, and the others completely ignored the words of their green professor.
"Yah! (Your name), how come you're not wearing a coat?!" Leonie exclaimed with wide eyes and jaw dropped to the floor- since you were such a rule follower when it came to Professor Byleth.
"I mean- there's really no point in doing that- I'll just be very hot and sweaty, there's no way we'll run into anything." You told her with confidence.
"No buts-" you pressed a finger to her pink lips.
"Okay- is everyone here?" Byleth asked as he took a double headcount of his students. "Let's move out!" He called out as he and his class started to walk to the gates of the monetary.
You looked at the dorms and saw Claude watching you and the class walk. He waved at you with his usual smile, you smiled back at him and waved.
"Good luck." He mouthed to you with a playful wink. Your cheeks flushed in embarrassment, knowing he didn't mean good luck on the extra credit, but with your professor.
Not too long ago, you developed a bit of a crush on Byleth, you admired how strong he was, mentally and physically. You loved how willing he is to help his students of the others around the monastery in general- even if he didn't know them.
Not many people knew of this crush, Claude was one of those people, and he absolutely just loved teasing you about it.
You turned away, your cheeks still warm and pink as you and the extra credit class continued to walk to the gates.

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