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He made her wear the seat belt. And then drove off home. While ride was silent. Neither Jungkook nor Yn tried to speak a single word.
Jungkook was so curious to know if she is actually jealous of Yuri. He just wanted this. He wanted her to be jealous of other women who are around him and Yuri was the one Yn was jealous off. So he got a chance of making Yn realise that she actually Love him.

Meanwhile Yn was regretting doing all these.

Yn's pov~
Fuck! Why did I do all these? I don't know why I did it? I just felt like beating her. When I saw her kissing him I couldn't control myself. My blood boiled.
Am I actually jealous of her?
Why would I be jealous of her? I don't like him.
End pov~

Time skips~
They both reached home and slept without bothering each other. Yn was very tired because she literally used all her energy beating Yuri.
She immediately slept.

Next day ~

She woke up before Jungkook and went to her office without informing him.

A ray of sunlight hits his face waking him up, he wakes up checks the side of bed with his hands. When he doesn't find Yn there he immediately sits on the bed. He checked the phone. Seeing the time, his face turned into a shocked one.

Jk-"9 AM! What the hell! Yn already left! "

He immediately rushed into the bathroom and got ready and went to his company as fast as he can.

He was walking in the corridor. Greeted by all his employees!

He entered his office and closed the door. He rested his head on the door.
Taking a deep breath, he says her name.

"Yn! " *Signs out*

He went and sat on his chair. He called her but it says busy....

After sometimes he again called her but she never answered his calls.
Not because she didn't wanted to talk to him but because she was busy. She never answered calls during her work hours.

Scene shifts~

"What the helllll!!! Noo! This can't happen!"

He said throwing the file on the desk.

Leo-"Yes! Mr. Hyunjin! He ran away! We tried to catch him but he just said he'll come and make Ms. Yn his."

Hyunjin- "Go to Yn and inform her right now!"

Leo- "But she's in forensics!"

Hyunjin- "I'm calling her, Go! Immediately!" *he ordered him*

He left his office and head towards forensics.

Hyunjin on the phone.

"Hey Yn!"
"Yes! What happened? Hyunjin!"
"Thank God you answered! Listen... I've sent my assistant Leo to you he'll give you some files and Tell you a very important information! Don't let anyone else know that! "

"Okay! "

He ended the call.

Scene shifts~
"Why is Jungkook calling me so much?"
Yn was about to call him back but before she could do so someone called her.


She looked at the forensics door opening.

"Yes what the matter leo?"

He handed her some files.

"Here are some files and.... "

"And... ?"   She takes the files and asked him while looking at the files.

The CEO & The InvestigatorWhere stories live. Discover now