Chapter 28 Last autioned day heroes

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This takes place 3 days after the events in chapter 28
In Hiccup's hut
Hiccup: Fishlegs the testing seems alright
Fishlegs: it seems so but we need to be careful. Hiccup this new sword that you made seems to work perfectly. But we need to be careful we don't want to get stuck in another world
Tuffnut: hey Hiccup and Fishlegs what's up
Hiccup: Fishlegs and I are testing the obsidian black sword.
Tuffnut: okay how does it work and more importantly can use it
Hiccup: it's working fine. It able to take us into other worlds and back home. But we haven't tested it's destructive potential yet.
Tuffnut: when your done testing it can I take it for spin
Fishlegs: Hiccup if you gave the sword. I will take a running leap of the edge.
Hiccup: yeah no tuff, you already have explosives, a amour that can turn invisible what more do you Need
Tuffnut: but those are old using things are boring. You know what they are going to do and you have also done it multiple times. But a new item that you have never used before, you know nothing about it. You don't know how much destruction you can cause with it. It's unpredictable and unknownable which makes it fun.
Hiccup: If you are done Fishlegs get your armour. We are gonna test it's combat capabilities
Fishlegs: right after you he says as he gets up from his chair
They then hear wings flapping behind them, they then turn back to see Snoutloud and heather
Snoutloud: hiccup terror mail from dagur
Hiccup: what does it say ?
Heather: it says about viggo latest aution and where it is going to be held at.
Hiccup: then takes the terror mail and reads it. Tuffnut get Ruffnut we are gonna everyone here
Tuffnut: after that can I take the sword for a test drive
Hiccup: get Ruffnut he yells
Tuffnut: okay you don't have to yell
He then gets Ruffnut
Hiccup: lays out a map of the aution. Come here you two
Ruffnut: this better be good because I was enjoying a perfect time blowing things up before you interrupted me
Hiccup: ignoring Ruffnut begans looking at the map. Dragon root launchers on every sea stack, extra ships on the perimeter, guards, catapults, watchtowers. Nothing can get in or out period
Tuffnut: hiccup think positive
Hiccup: how do you suggest I do that ?
Tuffnut: mug half empty or half full
Hiccup: definitely empty
Ruffnut: don't waste your time on
Hiccup: this however the perfect opportunity to put a big dent on viggos dragon trade
Heather: but how
Fishlegs: heather I am sure Hiccup has a plan right
Hiccup: this place seems to be highly secured so that none of us get in but auctioneers can easily get in
Tuffnut: get to the point my fellow viking because now is not the time for riddles
Hiccup: my plan is that we will dress as auctioneers and sneak in rescue the dragons
Snoutloud: how do we plan on doing that ?
Hiccup: we can do that by not being us
Ruffnut: hiccup my fellow viking please explain because most of us in this room don't know what your riddles mean
Hiccup: my plan is that we will enter there as auctioneers
Fishlegs: Hiccup I don't want to sound negative but if they see us won't they just catch us and our dragons
Hiccup: good point. Is just that I made solutions to those problems a while ago. He then presses a hidden leaver
The entire gang says whoa
Tuffnut: he says as he holds his new suit. These are incredible
Hiccup: Tuffnut may introduce to you crown of destruction
Tuffnut: awesome
Ruffnut: epic
Hiccup: these suit can turn invisible, it can turn its cape into wings and ignite it self on fire
Tuffnut: someone help I cannot breathe this to amazing
Hiccup: it also has explosives and various axes present in it.
Tuffnut: faints out of excitement
Ruffnut: hiccup what does mine do tell me tell me ?
Hiccup: it can do essentially what Tuffnut's can but with the fact that it has more weapons
Ruffnut: awa man that sucks
Hiccup: moving on heather this your cosmic storm armour
Heather: these look amazing she says as she hold her new armour
Hiccup: they can also turn its cape into a pair of wings, it can ignites itself on fire and also turn invisible. It also with a press of a button erupt in spikes which can paralys anyone for 12 minutes
Snoutloud: cuz hurry up tell me what can my suit do
Hiccup: yours can do everything that Tuffnut can but with a press of a red button can explode in a extremely flammable cocktail of monstrous nightmare gel and silcorwing gel it so hot it can burn through dragon proof chains
Snoutloud: absolutely insane and awesome
Hiccup: Fishlegs yours can do everything that others can with the added fact with a press of this button you will be covered in magma. These magma can be used as a ranged weapon
Fishlegs: these looks amazing Hiccup
Hiccup: hopefully it will be and also remember when i made the dragon armour. And also us these hair colors it will change our hair colors he then hands them they are hair colors.
Snoutloud: yeah and the look on the hunters faces when our dragons weren't effectived by it was priceless
Hiccup: guess what I made new armours. He then pushes the leaver against which open another lid of his hut. Which reveals dragon armours. These can camouflage the dragons and also has other various features
Snoutloud: I can't wait to test these babies out
Hiccup: actually you are not
Snoutloud: say what
Hiccup: you and Fishlegs will guard the island while we get back
Fishlegs: we wont let you down
Snoutloud: but Hiccup I can be extremely helpful in this fight
Hiccup: I have no doubt Snoutloud that you will but I need you and Fishlegs to guard the island while we get back. And next time I promise I will take you to fight with us. Rest of you guys suit up
They then suit up and leave the edge
Snoutloud: he should have more faith in me
Fishlegs: it's not that he doesn't have faith in you Snoutloud. He just needs you here with me
Snoutloud: how are sure he is not lying
Fishlegs: Hiccup is most sincere and kind viking I have ever met Snoutloud. He lets the twins cause havoc and destroy everything in their sight. He also helped a person whom we never meet qnd right now she is our closest friend. And even if he lied he would lie to make us feel well. Snoutloud your father lied to you so that he can hurt you. Hiccup has never hurt he forgave you even after all that you did
Snoutloud: thanks Fishlegs. Anyway you take the watchtower. I will partol for any ships
Fishlegs: right after you
With the rest of the gang
Hiccup: remember act normal don't speak about our dragons or any of our names
Tuffnut: got it
Ruffnut: Roger that
Heather: nods her head
Hiccup: Press the red button it will turn your dragons invisible
They then press the red button which turns their dragons invisible
Hiccup: toothless stay here come when it is necessary
Heather: stay here girl we will be right
Ruffnut: okay listen here misters if we dont make it back destroy everything
Tuffnut: make them beg then kill them
Hiccup: let's go already
They then enter the aution
Hiccup: a cage of terrors a cage of nightterrors but where are the big dragons
Heather: look around they are here somewhere
Tuffnut: um my fellow dragon hunter could you tell us where the dragons are so we may buy them
Dragon hunter#1: right these way sir and mam
Tuffnut: you see that that's how it's done
Ruffnut: learn Hiccup learn
Hiccup: Heather keep your guards up these might be trapp he whispers
Heather: she nods
They then enter a cave in which various cages but no dragons
Hiccup: umm excuse me sir where are the dragon riders
Dragon hunter#1: they are worth nothing to the dragon riders we found seize them
Then various hunters came surround them and began firing at them. Just as the arrows made contact with their armours they shattered to the ground
Hiccup: guys fan out
They then exit the cave and spread so that the hunters cannot catch them.
Hiccup: I think we lost them
Heather: let stay invisible and get the twins and get out of here
They then get back where they left there dragons. They then get there and look for the twins. They found twins in a caged guarded by a hunter. They then take the hunter out. And take the twins to their respective dragons and leaves for the edge

TO BE CONTINUED in chapter 29

sorry if these chapter is bad my exams are starting so due to these i will not be able to write properly

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