chapter 15 A screaming rescue

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Hiccup: gang I call all you here dicuss our strategy against the dragon hunters
Snoutloud: why do we need to dicuss about strategy, when we can get on these very effective fire breathing war machines of mass destruction
Hiccup: Snoutloud tell me this last we want on the offensive toothless had to fight a triple stryke and almost it in the process. And let's not forget these hunters have been hunting dragons for so long they have known the weakness of most of our dragons. If we want to stand a chance we need a strategy
Fishlegs: Hiccup has a point there
Snoutloud: grumbles
Heather: let's not forget as long as they have dagur on their side they have an army of men at their disposal
Hiccup: so if we take dagur out we will be able to reduce there numbers greatly
Fishlegs: which is very risky Hiccup dagur doesn't go anywhere with his armada
Tuffnut: pff Fishlegs you are worried for nothing we have explosives that we can fire from a distance
Ruffnut: let's not forget we can turn invisible and kidnap him
Heather: wait what as if
Hiccup: ruff sorry it a bit risky and heather we can turn invisible
Heather: how can you turn invisible
Hiccup: it a long story but simply put by pressing a button on our arms it causes the changewings scale to camouflage ourselves
Heather: I need to try that
Hiccup: guys we are losing focus here we need to figure out a strategy against the dragon hunters immediately
Just then a terrible terror with a message hits Fishlegs face
Hiccup: Fishlegs are you alright
Fishlegs: I am fine Hiccup he then sees the letter on the terrors leg. He then takes the letter and reads it
Fishlegs: Hiccup you might wanna see this
Hiccup: what is it Fishlegs ?
Fishlegs: first of all our terrible terror mail experiment worked second of all it distress message from the outcasts
Snoutloud: outcasts those barbarian wanted our help as we are gonna help them
Hiccup: begans Reading the message
Dragon riders i hope you found these message. I alvin the leader of the outcasts never thought I would ever come to a point where I would ask help from others. Dragon riders no less, recently a giant white whispering death has been attacking our home. We are barley able to defind our island. We managed to fend of the dragon for now. But I don't how long before a another attack so I would sincerely like you to help
Due to the fear of the dragon my men are to afraid is to go Fishing causing scarcity of food in our island. We don't know how long we will survive with our supplies for the winter is depleting. I sincerely hope that you help --- Alvin the treacherous
Tuffnut: that is the most funniest made up story. I have ever heard
Snoutloud: me too as if there is a giant whispering death.
Hiccup: Fishlegs we should check the dragon eye just to be sure
Snoutloud: hiccup you are not serious ate you. it's ridiculous cuz
Hiccup: it might be better to be safe then sorry Fishlegs you go get meatlug. I will get the dragon eye
Fishlegs: then gets meatlug
Hiccup: gets the dragon eye
Fishlegs: light it up girl just enough for the dragon eye
Hiccup: nope already wrote this casatorphic quaken maybe later
Fishlegs: I don't think it in here. He say as he rotates the rotator
Tuffnut: hey why are we here ?
Ruffnut: why don't we just go out and cause some havoc
Snoutloud: shush you too I wanna see them fail so I can used them to put it over their big enormous head.
Heather: sighs sometimes it's hard to tell that your are friend
Hiccup: wait wait slow down Fishlegs go back to that one
Fishlegs: then goes back to the pervious one
Hiccup: am I crazy or is that a whispering death bigger than that monstrous nightmare
Fishlegs: you are not crazy there it is again this time bigger then the trees
Hiccup: can you make out what it says
Fishlegs: The beast's sharp teeth broke through viking boats like paper. The beasts eyes blood red drived vikings and dragons to madness. It's body so massive that moutains looked like ants. With flame so hot it burned villages down into ash. The unholy offspring of death,decay, destruction, pestilence. Pray that the beast the gives you a painless death once it gets it eyes on you nothing can stop it. Hiccup did you hear that nothing can stop it
Hiccup: yes Fishlegs I heard it just a old creepy poem
Heather: Fishlegs don't worry it's just a poem who is scared of a poem.
Snoutloud: yeah who would be scared of a poem he says as he begans moving his legs in a scared way
Tuffnut: why are you moving Snoutloud are you scared
Snoutloud: no it i-- am not
Ruffnut: suddenly shaking of the legs is a sign of fear. By the looks of it you peed your pants
Snoutloud: shut up I am not scared
Hiccup: guys focus Fishlegs can you see anything about this dragon weakness speed or something
Fishlegs: he then brings himself together. I will try hiccup. He then looks at the image of the screaming death. Sorry there isn't much information about this dragon. All found is that the dragons name a screaming death, it hatches from a whispering death egg every 1000 thousand years. It has a attraction towards sunlight instead of a weakness to it.
Tuffnut: screaming death I love it
Ruffnut: imagine what we can do with dragon all the destruction we will be able to cause
Tuffnut: it will be glorious
Hiccup: pepare yourself gang things might get ugly
Snoutloud: we are seriously not going to an island filled with outcasts they are crazy, lunatic and maniacs.
Hiccup: I understand you but there are too many lifes at stake. We can't just ignore it. Lets just see what they are saying is true. If it's not true we will leave immediately sound good
Snoutloud: fine if you die don't say I didn't warn you.
Hiccup: gang lets pepare ourselves let get suit up.
Tuffnut: lifts his hand up
Hiccup: sighs what is it tuff
Tuffnut: why don't we keep the suits in our own hut ?
Hiccup: we have been over this tuff you guys will destroy it or misplace and then you have to with protection. Let's just suit up already
They then suit and get on there dragons and make their way to outcasts island.
Snoutloud: what the plan Hiccup ?
Hiccup: toothless and I will go in and talk with alvin the treacherous. You guys make sure if anything goes wrong pull me out there. They then get out of the skies and land on outcasts island
Snoutloud: 10 runes that this going to go horribly wrong.
Fishlegs: come on Snoutloud be a bit more optimistic.
Snoutloud: between going to an island filled with nightfuries to going to an island filled with maniac vikings you can see why I don't have what you called optimistic
Heather: guys stay focused and be careful
Hiccup: i will make a plan to stop it. Could tell me why it attacked here
Alvin: these here is our store house
Hiccup: so it's searching for food I will find a way to lure it way by using food
Alvin: let me finished it tore the store house down but didn't eat anything. It just dug through the store house.
And just came back out then fire and then left
Hiccup: that makes it bit difficult for me. You keep your men on high alert. I will divise a plan to help you
Alvin: how do I know you're are not going to fly away
Hiccup: trust me you have my word. Please I just need time
Alvin: alright but remember your promise
Hiccup: I will he then flies back to the gang
Tuffnut: so how was the meeting Triple H
Hiccup: well I just found what they are saying is true there was a screaming death attack.
Snoutloud: great so can we get to your crazy Hiccup plan already
Hiccup tell Heather to look at the sea stacks for any signs of the screaming death and inform them if she sees it. He then tells the twins and Fishlegs to evocat most of the people to farest side of the island. Hiccup tells Snoutloud he and him are going to stay here and look in the under ground caves to find whatever the screaming death was looking for. They found a whispering death underneath the rumble. Then tell their dragons to move the rocks,They do so. They then after removing all the rumbles. They pull out medicines from their belt. And put it on the whispering death. They then hears the ground above them move they then get out of there they see the screaming death attacking the outcasts and firing at Heather and windshear. They then fire at it to draw it's attention from the outcasts. Then an alout brawl happens between the three of them. During this Hiccup gets thrown of toothless. As the screaming death was about to fire. The whispering death came it calm the screaming death. Then the twins came in they and rest of the gang watch as the aggravating beast freed Hiccup. It let Hiccup touch it. Then various other whispering deaths came and began nudgeing the whispering death that saved Hiccup. Hiccup then connected that this was there mother. Hiccup and gang then relocate the screaming death and whispering death to an island where there is no human. Which is perfect for them. After getting them settled in that island. They then leave and went back to the edge

To be continued in chapter 16

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