chapter 23 We should Never lose hope part 2

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Original Hiccup: what is this what is happening still after seeing the second him
Hiccup (my au): I will tell you everything but first let's get back to the edge
They then head back to the edge
Stoick: your back already son did you forgot something
Tuffnut: actually cheif we didn't lost something
Ruffnut: correction we found something
Gobber: what do you find lass
Just then a black armoured man came through the clubhouse
Hiccup(my au): hello father
Stoick: what in odin's ghost is happening how are there 2 Hiccups
Original Hiccup: I think it would be best if you explain he says to the other Hiccup
Tuffnut: why don't you ask that to the cheif ?
Ruffnut: and ask that why haven't he told him that you have a brother
Stoick: hiccup I swear to odin Hiccup son believe me I don't who he is ?
Hiccup(my au): heather, Snoutloud I want you to go back to our edge. I will be with you in a moment
Snoutloud: I don't what are you talking about ?
Hiccup(my au): I am not talking to you. I talking to him he says as he points to his world's Snoutloud
Snoutloud(my au): okay Hiccup Heather let's go he then gets on his Hookfang
Heather(my au): as she gets on Windshear
Astrid: you know Heather I wonder when we would meet again if we would ever meet. but I never thought this how we would meet
Heather(my au): I don't know who you even are and what you are talking ?
Astrid: did you got hit in the head or something it's me Astrid
Heather(my au): I perfectly remember everything and i don't remember someone called Astrid hofferson. And if you are done I have things to takecare of. She gets on Windshear and leaves for their edge with Snoutloud and hookfang
Hiccup(my au): bye he says to his friends as they leave
Astrid: what did you do to Heather she says as she points her axe on his throat
Hiccup(my au): I did nothing to her. He says as he doesn't even flinch that an axe is on his throat
Tuffnut: then how do you explain that she doesn't remember us
Snoutloud: I mean who wouldn't want to forget these fools and also see that heather and I are so dating.
Astrid: then gives a dagger glare at Snoutloud
Snoutloud: then shuts up
Astrid: speak or else. She says still holding the ax to his throat
Hiccup(my au): or else what you will kill me with that axe of yours my close friend won't be happy at about that
Toothless(my au): then pepares a plasma blast in his mouth as a warning
Astrid: then moves her ax away from his throat
Toothless(my au): then stops the attack from happening
Hiccup(my au): now that's done I believe you hiccup have guestions so ask ahead
Original Hiccup: okay the first is who are you and are there any other nightfuries out there
Hiccup(my au): good question I am you hiccup but from a different world and the second guestion it depends in your world or mine. If it's in my world then yes there are out there. But in your world I am not sure
Fishlegs: what do you mean by from a different world ?
Hiccup(my au): glad you ask Fishlegs do you know the tale of thor's thousand year storm
Fishlegs: yeah that old tale but what does it have to do with anything
Tuffnut: what's thor's thousand year storm ?
Ruffnut: it when storm that thor caused which lasted for thousand years
Snoutloud: what a bunch of mutton heads ?
Stoick: enough mind games just get straight to the point already
Gobber: just say what you want to say already lass we don't got all day
Hiccup(my au): fine to put it simply that storm never ended. It created a way to my world
Snoutloud: that just sounds like a pile of yak dung
Fishlegs: I hate to agree with Snoutloud other Hiccup but this seems unbelievable
Hiccup(my au): called it what you will. But if you have anyother way to explain this you can go ahead
Fishlegs: then turns quiet not knowing how to answer the question
Tuffnut: might I adress the rumble horn in the room
Original Hiccup: what is it tuff can't you see we are having an important conversation here
Tuffnut: let your fellow viking speak
Original Hiccup: sighs go ahead
Tuffnut: ahem you said there are nightfury out there. Can tell me where they are not that I am going to destroy islands with an army of nightfuries or anything
Original Hiccup: ignoring the last part of Tuffnut's sentence asks. Guys can you give us a moment
The entire gang agrees and leaves outside the clubhouse
Original Hiccup: are they you need to tell me right now ?
Hiccup(my au): why would I do that ?
Original Hiccup: so that toothless can not be alone anymore. You understand that right
Hiccup(my au): sighs Hiccup when found that island filled with nightfuries it changed nothing about he remained the same, he was excited at first but after we left things remained the same nothing change besides the fact that toothless now knows he is not alone anymore
Original Hiccup: It may not seem much to you but it's everything to me to find other nightfuries. To makesure toothless is not alone
Hiccup(my au): even if I wanted to Hiccup it is not that simple. They are nightfuries in my world but there is no guarantee there are in your world
Original Hiccup: but can you at least show us where that island is in your world. I have to be sure
Hiccup(my au): sighs realising that whatever he says won't make these Hiccup change his mind. Fine
Original Hiccup: yes
Hiccup(my au): but on the condition that you will not take any information about where it is alright
Original Hiccup: why can't I know where it is ?
Hiccup(my au): because I can't take any chances of that island being found and putting the nightfuries in danger
Original Hiccup: reluctantly agrees
They both then get out and tell others. They then leave Stoick and Gobber to take care of the edge. They then went to where the isle of night should be in the other Hiccup's world
Hiccup(my au): it should be here somewhere
Fishlegs: this is so exciting imagine Hiccup learning about the nightfuries breeding habits and learning about there natural habitats
Original Hiccup: I know Fishlegs I know
Hiccup(my au): I don't mean to burst your buddle but the nightfuries were found in my world there is no guarantee that they will be found here
Snoutloud: you seriously can't tell me we flyed all this way for nothing
Hiccup(my au): I am not telling we flied all the way for nothing. I am saying we maybe flied all the way for nothing
Tuffnut: I never thought I would meet someone who can speak in more riddles than Hiccup
Ruffnut: technically you didn't meet anyone who speaks in more riddles than Hiccup. Since they are the same person
Tuffnut: I could be right or wrong. We don't know since they are two Hiccups
The entire gang sighs
They then make the destination where the dragon of nightfuries should be
Hiccup(my au): there he points to the island
They then land and hiccup and Fishlegs then take notes on the nightfuries they see. The rest of the gang enjoys the natural beauty of the island. The dragons stay nears a watering hole. Except toothless who begans playing with other nightfuries
After 32 minutes
Original Hiccup: okay Fishlegs did you write that down.
Fishlegs: let's not forget to write down about the scale patterns of the titanwing nightfuries
They then write that down
Hiccup(my au): let's go now
Just as he said that they hear metal moving noises. They then follow the noise they see a man with various scorpionish dragons with black and red colouring. They watch as the man orders his dragons to kill the chained up nightfuries that they caught. As the dragons where about to kill the nightfury a plasma blast hits the scorpion dragon gaving the chained up nightfury to escape
Grimmel: looks at the ones who let his prey get away from him
Hiccup(my au): get away from them you filthy creep
Grimmel: I think you should escape while you can before it too late for your dragon
Then the entire gang on their comes out in front of Grimmel. Original Hiccup tries to reason with sociopath about how dragons are majestic and beautiful creatures. Grimmel says how they are tratiors and begans explaining how he killed nightfuries details by details. To which Fishlegs replies he is a monster. Then all out battle happens between the gang and the death grippers. As they were fighting they found out the dragon was being controlled by grimmel. They found they were being controlled by the venom in placed in the collar. They then manged to break the vales containing the venom. The freed death grippers then leave the islands. The gang then take Grimmel to the prison in outcasts island. The other Hiccup explain the danger of anyone knowing where the location of the island of nightfuries is he then gaves his goodbyes and leaves to his own world

To be continued in chapter 24

Runaway You Useless Tratiors Season 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz