Chapter 3

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I searched frantically for Claudia. I looked in her usual hiding places, such as the roof of the school building and the big oak tree she climbed onto. But there was no Claudia in either of those hiding places.

Where the hell was she?

Then I remembered that a couple of times she escaped to a lake to swim. Even though it was too chilly for swimming, I went there, for I was absolutely desperate to find her.

When I approached the lake, I saw Claudia. But she was with somebody else. A girl with black, curly hair, naturally tanned skin, and emerald green eyes. That girl seemed slightly familiar to me, but I couldn't identify who she was.

I hid in the woods that surrounded the lake and eavesdropped on them. I could hear Claudia sobbing hysterically. Then she whispered to something to the girl, but I couldn't hear what she said. The girl stroked her back reassuringly and said softly, "It'll be all right, Claudia. It'll be all right."

"No, nothing will be all right ever again!" Was Claudia's reply.

I figured that they were talking about me. I felt so guilty as I really hurt Claudia. And she probably thought she hurt me too - which she did.

Then something unbelievable happened.

Claudia's lips moved slowly towards the girl's. They both kissed - kissed! - softly, which rapidly turned into a heated make-out session.

I gasped. Claudia, my own best friend and crush, was making out with another girl!

I was about to barge in and interrupt them, but the girl started to undo Claudia's top, so I stepped back and ran away, weeping silently.

I went home even though I knew that I was ditching school. But at this point I didn't care. I was in complete agony. Claudia betrayed me.

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