The Book of Shifters (Pt 2)

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I was running for my life, and I hid behind a trash bin in an alleyway. I was exhausted. Then I heard him.

He said something along the lines of, "Did you know that humans are very good at hunting their prey? They hunt prey that's faster than them but they're really good at endurance, the humans keep going as their prey gets more and more tired. Are you feeling tired, shifter?"

He said more afterwards but that alone was terrifying.

Then he found me and I kept running.

I also almost got impaled by Technoblade's trident once. Or maybe twice... Or maybe more times then I can count...


Y'know, I never really thought about how Wilbur got captured. Or seemed to get captured. The only thing I found was this book. But I think it was Technoblade. There's a torn page in this book. and I think that Techno ripped it with his trident.

I hope Wilbur is okay, even if he lost his book.


I met someone today.

Jack Manifold. Brand new power wielder.

I'll give you two guesses as to what the government did upon hearing of him.

If you guessed freaked out and outlawed him immediately then you would be correct! Ding ding ding!

He can control gravity. Pretty cool huh? What does that entail you ask? Well, he can stand on ceilings, and run on walls. In theory he can use it on someone else, like me, but he's too afraid of doing that. Probably some kind of ptsd.

He is constantly making jokes with me. I guess no one informed him of the gravity of the situation.

Yeah, I said that. What of it?

Anyway, he's real nice.



I wish I got to meet Wilbur. He seems...good. And he helped me so much ever since I turned sixteen. I had a similar situation to Wilbur, those stupid, painful evaluations ratted me out to the government and I booked it out of there. I caused quite the ruckus while escaping. I spent a night or two in an alley, trying to figure out how to survive.

When I was wandering around, I found this book in the gutter by the sidewalk. It was still in good condition. Only one page was torn.

It was full of things that taught me to avoid people who seemed like a threat, along with staying healthy as a shifter.

This book is my lifeline. I don't know what I would do without it.

I owe Wilbur much more than he could imagine.


No no no no no no no!


Hello. My name is Philza Mineraft. Tommy has been captured. He held this book tightly to his chest as if it was his only friend. After I confiscated it I decided it wouldn't hurt to read a bit of it.

I've made a decision.

I was wrong.

Shifters don't deserve to be locked up. Even if their cell isn't so bad. Even if they don't know how to control themselves. They're not so different than I am, and they don't deserve this.

I can feel Tommy from here. He's near tears. He's devastated that I took this book away. This book really is his only friend. I don't think he's ever had many friends. He's just a kid when I think about it. I have to help him. Him and Wilbur. Techno captured both of them.

I just have to convince Techno that Shifters are just like the rest of us.


Phil gave me back the book. I don't know why. I know he wrote in it, but I don't want to read it. I don't want to give him the time of day. So I won't.

This place isn't so bad. You get to do some activities and get good food. You get to go out into a fenced off courtyard for a bit if you want to go outside. You get a nice bed.

But you don't get freedom.

That is the most important part.

I'm trying to break out as we speak. they switch out the guards at six thirty, which means that I have a very short opening to escape. I've never escaped anything prison-like before, but I have seen Ocean's Eleven.

Wish me luck.


You weren't wishing hard enough!

I got caught almost instantly! This sucks! The guards must have their own powers they arent telling us about. How else would he know where I was?

This place is full of hypocrites. Screw all of them.

Still. I'm going to try again.


I've tried at least eight times. It's not working, I might need to change up my strategy. Seeing as they're gotten used to me trying this one.

They've gotten so used to it in fact that they sent Phil to talk to me. Right now in fact. I'm actively ignoring that jerk by writing this.

He's telling me to stop trying to escape because one of these days I'm going to hurt myself. I don't want to hear it! Philza! You're not my dad, you traitor! That's right, you're a traitor to power wielders! Working for the government!


I miss Wilbur. I know I never really knew him in the first place but...I felt like I did! Hiding out in his shack and reading his book...I felt less alone. Less isolated. Like he was talking about.

I miss Wilbur.


Farewell Plerps :)

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