You What?

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Welcome to part two of Whuh-oh :) Also known as Scattered takes actual science and warps it beyond recognition. This is insanity lol.

"Well, we may have... Thrown a boomerang into a worm hole," Skeppy said.

"P-Pardon?" Tubbo asked. "What the fu-"

"I know that sounds crazy, but there was some thought behind it, I promise!"

"Okay? Explain."

"So, we were recently given a bunch of money by the government to do whatever we wanted with, provided that it was scientific. So, we decided to see if we could get close to uh, time travel."

Tommy and Tubbo looked at each other. That sounded very close to the predicament that Tubbo was stuck in.

"Okay? How the heck does that translate to chucking stuff at wormholes?" Tommy asked.

"I'm getting to that," Skeppy said. "If you apply time dilation to wormholes, then theoretically, you could travel back in time."

"What!?" Tommy exclaimed. Tubbo saw that Tommy was getting more and more confused.

"Oh! I've heard of this!" Tubbo exclaimed. "Okay, if you take one half of a wormhole and drag it across the universe, then put it back.  In theory, when you go through one side, you'll end up on the other side, a little bit back in time. Since time moved slower for that half of the wormhole. There's a lot of stange rules that apply, you can't go back to before the wormhole existed, so you couldn't go kill Hitler. You could go back and see your past self from when you were finished building the time wormhole."

"You just vomited words at me," Tommy said. "I don't understand any of what you said just now."

Tubbo stared at him for a moment before saying, "Wormhole make go back in time."


Skeppy cleared his throat to get their attention again. Then he continued.

"We were hoping that if we threw something at said wormhole, then we could transfer the energy/time dilation from the object to the wormhole, so that we wouldn't have to drag it around. So we chucked a boomerang at it." Skeppy laughed. "I couldn't tell you where we got that broken logic in the first place. Blame Zelkam."

"What happened to the boomerang?"

"I... Have no clue. I think it was spaghettified, or maybe absorbed. We were hoping to get it back after, but the Wormhole, for the fifteen seconds that we kept it open, stole the boomerang and not the energy needed for time dilation."

"What happened?" Tommy asked. Tubbo could tell he was getting invested.

"Well, it sent this huge shockwave out. Then another little one that was harder to feel. It hit something, I don't know what, it wasn't pointed at me. We gave up on the time travel thing shortly before you showed up, Tubbo."

"Just out of curiosity," Tubbo started slowly. "What would happen if the little shockwave hit someone full force?"

"Heck if I know, it'd probably mess time up real bad for them. We threw the crab looking machine in storage so that we could check up on it if need be."

Tommy grabbed Tubbo by the arm. "Thanks for the info we're leaving now bye." Then he took off, dragging Tubbo with him.

Eventually Tommy stopped in an empty hallway.

"Did you hear that!? I think that is what was wrong! that stupid experiment messed time up! Now you're looping over and over again!"

"How do we know that experiment was what started it?" Tubbo asked. "That would be quite a delayed reaction."

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