(Chapter 4) 7 minutes in heaven

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Tanjiro's Pov

After the food everyone walked to their rooms and hung out for the day. There wasn't much to do so that was really everything we all could think off. I really love being alone with Inosuke, but I can't just say it he'll think I'm weird! if he even knows what it means, but I can't risk it what if he'll want to end our friendship and all? I really do like him as more then a friend but I can't get myself to tell him that so I keep quiet about it and just hang out with him like the rest of the group is doing right now. There isn't really much to do or think of to do but we need to think of something. I walked up to the bed and sat next to Inosuke he looked nice he was actually wearing clothes for ones in a while and that doesn't happen often, but he looked so good I couldn't bring myself to not blush but that's not the point here. I had finally thought of something to do with all of us! It is a game I heard of before, it's called 7 minutes in heaven. (I got this idea from someone on Wattpad but I don't remember who) I told Inosuke and we walked up to the other rooms. I told everyone what the game was and everyone simply agreed. We sat in mine and Inosuke's room, and I explained the game to everyone that didn't know how it went, which was practically everyone. We soon started the game, there was an empty bottle in the middle of our circle and Giyuu was the first one to spin it. He gave it a swing and it landed on Uzui. They entered the closet and we locked it, we just sat in silence for the 7 minutes.

In the closet

3rd Person Pov

"So Tomioka, do you have a crush on someone?" Uzui asked.

"..." Giyuu kept quiet.

"Ohh, come on it's kinda obvious!" Uzui practically yelled.

"Then why ask?" */////* Giyuu blushed.

"So it's Sanemi right?" Uzui stated more then asked.

"I-I... well, yeah" *//////* by now Giyuu was really flustered.

They kept quiet for a minute until Giyuu spoke.

"Well, what about you? You definitely have the hots for Zenitsu!" Giyuu stated.

"How'd you know?! It's not that obvious is it?!, Omg" *///* Uzui was now the one to get flustered.

"Maybe not for the rest but for me it definitely is!, haha" Giyuu laughed.

"Oi, y-you just laughed?!" Uzui stated being shocked by the gesture.

"I guess I did" Giyuu said.

"You should laugh more! It's flamboyant!" Uzui practically yelled.

"I'll try" Giyuu said.

3rd Person Pov

Before they knew it their time had passed, and they were called back in the room. The first round was done and I was next to spin the bottle, it did a spin and landed on Aoi, we went into the closet and the others locked the door.

"Aoi, how is you're polymary relationship with Nezuko and Kanao going?" I asked

"It's good, honestly I didn't expect it to go so well but it did so no complains here!" Aoi said with a proud smirk.

"That's good to hear!" I said.

"Yeah well what about you? You like Inosuke don't you? I think the only one who doesn't know is he himself honestly!" Aoi stated.

"I do! But I myself didn't know until recently." I said.

We kept going on this subject for a while till we got told we finished the 7 minutes. When we came out Inosuke looked grumpy, and the rest just looked at us like we did something wrong. Honestly I don't know what we did, we continued playing a little longer so we ended with Muichiro and Genya 😏 I knew they liked each other cus they told me. I whispered something in Muichiro's ear and he ended up bright red, while walking to the closet. Once they were in there we locked the closet and sat in silence.

In the closet

3rd Person Pov

Muichiro and Genya sat in silence for the first minute, but then Genya started talking.

"Mui, what did Tanjiro say to you? You turned really red when he whispered something in you're ear." Genya said with a hint of jealousy.

Muichiro noticed his jealousy and decided to tease him.

"He gave me some tips on how to ask out my crush, that's why I blushed bright red" Muichiro said smirking to himself.

"Ohh" Genya said with a hint of sadness in his eyes and he had a sad smile on his face, he honestly looked like he was about to cry so Muichiro decided to stop the teasing.

"Wait, don't be sad! You're my crush idiot!" Muichiro said now blushing bright red again.

"E-Ehh?! M-Me?!" Genya asked flustered.

"Yes, you! So go out with me will ya?" Muichiro was yelling by now.

"H-Hai!" Genya said about to black out.

With that Genya fainted.

"Well, shit he fainted." Muichiro said putting his hand on top of Genya's head.

Tanjiro's Pov

After a minute or two the door opened and everyone was staring at Muichiro and a fainted Genya. I honestly wasn't that surprised, I expected it more then anyone. We sat back down on the floor and Muichiro had Genya's head on his lap. We decided to continue the next day and to eat and go to sleep first. It was Aoi her time to cook so everyone went to their room to relax till the food was ready, Muichiro carried Genya to their room of course. In our rooms we put on our kimono's and just hung out with our roommate. When Aoi was done cooking she came to our rooms to come get us. We all sat down around the table in the dining room and started eating, we quickly finished and went back to our rooms to sleep. Me and Inosuke both got in the bed and tried to sleep, when that didn't work for me I pretended to be asleep and snuggled up to him. He was definitely still awake because he shivered upon feeling my touch and tensed. After a while he didn't feel as tense and he soon fell asleep. I could hug him like this forever, but of course I can't do that. I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I'm sorry it's not that long 1074 words and it's kinda bad but the fun stuff will start in chapter 5 and I'll start writing that tomorrow if I have the time.
Thanks for reading!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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