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(some time after season 10)

"It's been a year now, Zane." - The brunette said, choking on his tears as he spoke the name of the nindroid he once knew. - "Happy birthday...!"

His brown eyes were trying to escape the picture that was laid down at his grave. He couldn't look at it.

The snow lightly touched his jacket and hair. What once was a giant spike or hairgell was now a messy pile of hair he didn't bother to style. It was just there, reaching a bit down his shoulders. And it just kept growing.

There was something off about this day. Maybe it was the way the sun was shining. So hidden away behind the clouds. It was like it was hiding from him making room for the snow to shine.

It was a special day for the firey teenager. Both in a good way... And bad. Today was the anniversary of the day his first - and only - lover was created. The day he entered this world with a bright smile on his face. But it was also the day he left forever. His blue eyes gave up their spark and faded away. They became a dark hole. Nothing more, nothing less. His elemental powers had given up mid fight. Or he didn't use them on purpose. No one could possibly know. But Kai knew. He knew the nindroid better then anyone else did.

At first he didn't want to believe it. How could Zane give up on everything like that and leave? How could he leave the team behind? Be was their foundation. The reason they were a whole. His ice was the reason Kai's firey heart softened. He taught him that it's not worth constantly being mad at the world.

Back then, it was because of Zane that Kai smiled. Now, it was because of Zane that he cried.

"I got you this gift." - He continued, his voice weak. - "I hope you like it."

He placed a bouquet of white roses right on the grave. That wasn't all though. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a heart-shaped locket. In the middle, there was a detailed snowflake.

If you were to open it, you would see a picture of the Nindroid surrounded by the ones he cared for most. His team and Sensei. But Kai didn't dare open it. He knew he would just start crying again. He couldn't bare the thought of another headache.

Even if he were to cry, no one would be there to comfort him. He sat alone on the cliff the Nindroid was buried on. Right in front of the tree they used to sit at together. He remembered the countless times he had fallen asleep under it. He'd wake up and be met with sparking blue eyes, excited to see him awake.

"It's nice to see you awake, Kai." - They'd say. His robotic voice sounding soft and happy.

That voice rang in Kai's head like an alarm clock. He knew it all too well.
But this was an alarm clock that he couldn't stop.

To most people that didn't know him, Zane was simply a machine. A piece of metal, if you will. Most times he felt like that as well. To them he was only the master of ice that was supposed to save everyone.

But to Kai, Zane was nothing different from any regular human being. He felt every emotion a regular human could feel. Sometimes even better then humans. He laughed, smiled and acted like a regular human. He was no different. But people couldn't see that.

And now he was gone.

It was too late to cry now. Crying wouldn't bring him back. It was too late to say you cared about him. 

"You know." - Kai took off the scarf from around his neck. He held the red piece of fabric in his hands. - "We've all been missing you a lot lately. Nya's been freezing her water in hopes she'll somehow summon you." - He shrugged discreetly. - "The rest of the team is somewhere around Ninjago. They're all doing their own things. PIXAL is working with her father, Jay's staying with Nya and I. They're getting married next year. Lloyd... Lloyd went to look for his father. Apparently Cole is becoming a dance instructor. He doesn't quite like it but it keeps his mind off of things. And Sensei runs his own tea shop now." 

Opposite Oneshot | NINJAGO (Kai x Zane)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें