Hope pushed Aurora into a hiding spot by the other doors, yet still able to see what was happening.

" Aurora, stay hidden. For me. Please. It's not Dr Saltzman. It's our dad in his body. We somehow went back in time. " Hope pleaded/told her through their min-lick to towards her twin wanting to make sure she is safe.

" Hope how many times I have to tell you, if you fight I fight remember. Born together, die together." Aurora seated threw their mind-link looking at her in a " This isn't up for discussion." kind of look.

" Is that really how you want to meet him? What happens when he just kills you before I can save you? Just please, stay hidden." Hope pleaded with her, knowing their dad may think she's working for the; Save Elena team. 

" Fine." Aurora sighed in her head.

Hope has her overprotective mode on and there is no changing her mind.  Protecting Aurora comes first above all.

Hope rushed out of the hiding spot and cast a spell to make the Bennett witch fall unconscious, she's lucky that's all she got from Hope.

Within a few seconds later the main cafeteria doors opened and Elena Gilbert came rushing in heading towards her best friend in tears.

" What did you do? Who are you?" Elena rambles out feeling terrified of this young girl.

" I only knocked her out." Hope said feeling no guilt for what she just did. No one hurts her family.

She's just lucky Aurora didn't handle the situation, Aurora may be the most kind person, however when angered she puts Lucifer to shame.

Hope looked over to her father in the eye for the first time in years, Hope felt a tear running down her cheek. Knowing there is a  very high chance he may not even know her but she couldn't stand by watching him die again.

 Knowing there is a  very high chance he may not even know her but she couldn't stand by watching him die again

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" Hope?" Klaus Mikealson gasped as many memories came back to him. of him and this girl. It's almost like a spell of some kind broke.

" You remember me?" Hope asked, not believing he may got all his memories back. All while trying to hold back anymore tears from falling.  In the matter of seconds Klaus gave Hope a tight hug.

" Of course I remember you, my littlest wolf." Klaus whispered in Hope's ear still in the tight embrace as Hope light sobbed on his neck as she held him close.

Klaus's mind is going a mile a minute trying to figure out how hope is even here.

The moment cut short by a voice spook coming into the cafeteria, they let go of each other. Klaus pulled Hope by behind him, fearing they may take her away from him. They looked towards the doors and saw Stefan Salvatore walking into the cafeteria.

When Stefan walked in he immediately smelled cotton candy with Marshmallows and his soulmate maker started to burn meaning his mate is nearby. However the only ones he saw in the room were Elena, Ric/Klaus and this new girl who smelled nothing like that.

 Stefan then heard another heartbeat that's by the other door making him think his soulmate was there but he had to force the task at hand.

" Who are you? What have you done with Ric?" Stefan Salvatore asked, as he is wanting nothing more than to be with his soulmate he has been waiting for over a century and a half.

Aurora stayed hidden like she told Hope she would, however she felt useful and very vulnerable. Which she hates when she is at battle with her head space, Aurora loves to help others to avoid  going into her head space. 

" Why put myself through the pain in getting to know him, when and if we get back everything may still be the same. Then everything I did here was for nothing and I may not remember it in the end." Aurora told herself, as she reminded herself to not make memories with the bio family.

Aurora felt a burning sensation on her right arm, then smelled cinnamon  and nutmeg.  It's what finally set Aurora over the edge and ended up slipping into her head space.

"Hopy I scared." Aurora said to her twin through their mind-linked. 

Hope  knew right then and there Aurora slipped and couldn't even control it.  Hope didn't blame her nor feel ashamed for her twin. Hope is more surprised that it took her this long to let it in. 

" It's okay baby bear, everything is going to be okay. Stay hidden. " Hope said through their mind-licked knowing right now isn't the best time for their dad to find out about Aurora.

In the matter of seconds Klaus grabbed Hope by the arm, than used his vamp speed and rushed out of there. Klaus couldn't wait to be back in his body and his daughter had some serious explaining to do.

" Hopy!!" Aurora mind-linked to her but got no reply back. 

Stefan looked around the area, while Elena started to check her best friend's palls. Suddenly Elena heard a sound by the door, the same door that Stefan's soulmate was hiding. he walked over to hiding spot tried to stay calm not wanted to spook her. 

 When he got to the hiding spot Stefan beaned down to the floor ignoring Elena's calls to him fearing it's one of Klaus's tactics to try and kill them again.

When Stefan looked into his mate's eyes, he saw her looking like she's about to cry. While tried to control her shaking, from what he is assumes she just witnessed. Only if he knew that girl in front of him is mentally fighting a very hard battle at the moment to try get back to her big space. Which is failing miserably. 

At that moment Stefan looked into her light blue eyes, he knew that he would protect this young woman in front of him with every bone in his body.  Even though he doesn't know her name  he is determined to know her.

Stefan had a small warm smile on his face not wanting to scare her.

" Hey, I won't hurt you. My name is Stefan Salvatore . What's your name?" Stefan asked as he slowly held out his hand to help her up from her hiding spot.

Aurora looked at this forest green eyed man seeing nothing but good intentions, feeling a sense  of safety in his presence.  Almost like she caves being near him, which scares her to the core. She has only felt this kind of way towards her so-to-be- Husband named Lucifer Morningstar. Aurora knew that no matter what she feels towards this Stefan Salvatore man, she'll not pursue anything more than a friendship. 

Aurora weighed the pros and cons on trying to either trust him or flash out and run. However  the problem is where would she go?  Aurora didn't say anything fearing she may sound babyish and make this Stefan character feeling uncomfortable. 

 Aurora slowly grabbed Stefan Salvatore hand and immediately felt sparks all through her body making her feel a sense of rush which made her want to know more.

(A/N: Small time skip )  

~  At Alaric Saltzman's apartment

 Ric/Klaus lets go of Hope and sets her on the ground as said girl looks around and finds herself in some apartment.

" Who's she?" a young female voice spook behind Hope, causing Hope to turn around to face the voice. Only to find Katherine Price standing in her glory holding a coffee pot that's filled with fresh coffee.

" Name's Hope, You must be Katherine." Hope said with a smirk.

" Shit, Aurora's still in her head space. Fuck, well I can't leave yet without filling dad in. "  Hope thought to herself as she put on her small smile and turn around to face her father whom has been dead for two years in her timeline. 

" We've got a lot to discuss." Hope seated, now looking serious. 

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you all have an
amazing day. 


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