"There's a reason all those boys know more details than they're letting on." I told her. "There's definitely some kind of bro code going on there and it's disgusting."


The following night Digby has organised to go out with some of the boys and I was having a meal with Gareth, Liv, Habbs and Verity. 

"I met up with Harvey this afternoon." Gareth said. "From what I can gather from him, he's desperate to win her back. I said I'll stick up for him because he's not a bad guy, he's not Rez and Tristan."

"I love the way he told Rez and Tristan, as if those two were ever going to be able to keep the secret for longer than two minutes."

"That's what I mean."

"I think that's what I find the most disgusting about the whole thing and I know it probably happens with most guys but that secrecy, like they've probably spoken to Emily since and pretended like nothing's happened." I told them. 

"Secrets are everywhere in Chelsea." Liv said. "Speaking of secrets, what's happening with you and Miles, Verity?"

"Do you know what it's really chilled, I think it's quite nice to have attention from a guy and just have someone to message."

"How far has it gone?"

"Like I've literally kissed him and that's it. I wouldn't want it to go any further than that this quickly."

"This must all be pissing Maeva off." Gareth said. "

"No I think the one this is pissing off the most is Ruby." Liv said. "I met up with her and a few of the girls this afternoon and lets just say she wasn't the nicest about you. Like saying things about you that I would never say to my friends, quite below the belt things"

"Like what?"

"Like it's easier to name the people Verity hasn't got with than the people she hasn't."

"What, like I just don't understand this."

"I think it's more of an issue with you then you and Miles."

"I mean it's just comical, why would she feel the need to say that other than the fact that she's just not a nice person."

"She's probably just jealous." Gareth commented. 

"I spoke to Miles the other day and I basically said she's acting like a possessive ex right now and it's only going to come back and bite them both in the face when it ruins any potential relationships for them. Like I bet Rez wouldn't be happy to find out she's this bothered about Miles' love life."

"I just can't bare people who throw out comments like that and then don't have the backbone to say it to their face and back up what they said." Liv said. "It's pathetic."

"But then do I just stay away from her completely or confront her?"

"I would confront her, she was basically calling you a slut."

"That's such a degrading comment."

"It's really below the belt." Habbs agreed with her. 

"I mean I'm sorry because I've kissed a guy she obviously still has feelings for."

"But that's what baffles me." Liv added. 

"She must be still in love with him, I mean why would she be that bothered otherwise."

"I'm really surprised she's said that." Habbs said. "I think that's so out of order, that's not OK."

"I knew there was something going on with her reaction but I didn't think it would get to this point. I just feel sorry for her that she has time to talk about me like this. Focus on your own life babe."

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