Chapter 25 - More Gods?

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Everyone went slightly wide-eyed before jumping into action, Tony put on his helmet, along with Steve, and Nat was stabilising the jet. When Eleanor saw that Tony was opening the rear hatch of the jet she took a few steps towards him, "Stark-", she began but was cut off by Steve.

"What are you doing?"

Once the hatch was fully down, a man with long blonde hair, wearing a blue suit that sported a long red cape landed on the open hatch, and stalked his way towards Tony, then proceeded to send him flying backwards by hitting him with a giant hammer.

"Hey buddy-", Eleanor started to speak with her hands raised in the air to show that she wasn't going to be hostile, as she recognised the man to be Thor who was known by SHIELD, but then was cut off by the God grabbing Loki by the throat and jumping off of the jet, "Nevermind".

Nat looked back with pure confusion written on her features, and Eleanor looked back at her with a matching expression. They would normally have been frustrated that their target had been snatched away, but the confusion of how they were snatched away overtook that.

"And now there's that guy", Tony spoke, his voice slightly more muffled than usual due to the helmet, and he started walking towards the hatch again.

"Another Asgardian?", Nat shouted back at the trio who were standing in the middle of the jet.
"That guy's a friendly?", Steve half-shouted.

"Supposed to be", Eleanor jumped into the conversation.
"Doesn't matter, if he frees Loki, or kills them, the Tesseract's lost".

"Stark, we need a plan of attack!", Steve tried to reason with him as he continued walking to the edge of the hatch.
"I have a plan, attack", he then blasted his way out of the jet and started flying towards the ground.

Nat and Eleanor watched Steve start putting on a parachute, aiming to follow Stark. "I'd sit this one out, Cap", Nat shouted back from her seat.
"I don't see how I can". 

"These guys come from legend. They're basically Gods", she continued to try and reason, ut to no avail as he was still putting the parachute on.

"There's only one God ma'am, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that", he grabbed his shield and ran towards the exit.
"Steve, come on! He has a magic thunder hammer!", Eleanor also tried to reason, but he jumped out of the jet anyway, making her run her hand down her face, groaning.

She closed the hatch and walked back to the co-pilot seat and strapped herself back in, assisting in changing the controls so that they could start their descent to collect the others when they had finished fighting.

"You don't fancy another skydiving adventure then?", Nat smirked at her, referencing how Eleanor had landed in Odessa years ago.
"No, no. I told you I would never do that again and I intend to stick to it".

Nat pouted at her, "Aw, but I really wanna watch you crash land into a tree, I missed it the first time".
"I already fell for you once, Romanoff, it won't be happening again".

"Nice one", Nat laughed at the terrible joke.
Eleanor did a small bow in her seat, "Thank you".


Once they were back on the helicarrier, armed guards took Loki off of the group's hands, and headed over to the heavy-duty cell that had been designed for... strong things that may need to be detained.

Steve, Nat, and Eleanor all walked onto the bridge of the helicarrier and took seats at a table that was at the edge of the room, ready to watch Fury start talking to Loki. Bruce had been waiting for them for a couple of minutes and was standing a few paces away from the table instead of sitting with the others, Thor followed suit. Tony had wandered off somewhere, they weren't sure where but the two Agents didn't really care, he wasn't their problem.

The Younger Agent - Natasha Romanoff x OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon