Chapter 29 - It's Battle Time

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The gang was back together, but it felt like a bittersweet moment. The three of them have had many moments of reuniting in the past when one returned from an assignment. But, instead of walking down the halls of the Triskelion with laughter in the air to go and get drinks together, they were marching across the helicarrier to collect weapons and head into battle.

No words were spoken. There was nothing that any of them could say. If there was a book on conversation starters before joining an alien war, they sorely needed to read it.

Eleanor desperately wanted to grab ahold of Natasha and cling onto her as though the world depended on it. She was scared but felt numb at the same time, she needed to feel - but there was no time to feel, or mourn, or cry. They needed to get to work.

Once they had reached their lockers which were all in close proximity to each other, they started gathering their spare supplies. Clint collected spare arrows and also gathered an assortment of trick arrows, such as ones that had mini explosives in the point. Natasha loaded up her widow bites and electric gloves, the familiar whirring of them booting up brought Eleanor some comfort for some reason.

Eleanor re-tied her hair into a high ponytail and then grabbed spare pistols to strap to her thighs, also grabbing a few knives to place inside of her belt. She already had another gun in her belt holster so she was armoured to the max, and she grabbed a lot of ammo, you could never have too many bullets in this line of work. She chucked a few magazines over to Nat as well to put her mind at ease, which was accepted with a grateful nod and smile. 

Steve showed up just as Eleanor finished storing her masses amount of ammo in the various storage parts of her uniform, "We all ready?". 

They all turned to him and nodded, following him out and towards the hangar to hopefully catch a ride. They all walked in a row, Steve a couple of paces ahead of them leading the group. Eleanor was next to Nat, and the way that they were presenting themselves in their strides made her feel more confident, it was a movie moment.

The group gracefully made their way through the hangar and towards a jet that had its hatch open. This would be their gleaming chariot into battle. 

Steve continued walking towards it, so the rest of the group followed him inside. "Hey, you guys aren't authorised to be in here", another Agent informed them. Eleanor scoffed at someone trying to tell Captain America what to do.

"Son, just don't".

The Agents then promptly removed themselves from the jet after a staring contest with the group that lasted a few seconds, making them smirk at their triumph.

Clint proceeded to rush into the pilot's seat, Nat assumed her position in the co-pilot seat, whilst Steve and Eleanor stood a few feet away from the pair towards the middle.

It didn't take long for the jet to be up in the air, the group hastily making their exit toward New York City, even with the people in the control room yelling at them not to leave the hangar over the PA. Priorities people, priorities.

"So, you told us you would tell us where we're going on the way?", Nat started, hinting for Steve to actually start telling them the information that they need to know now.

"Right, New York, Stark Tower. Tony should be there already". The others in the jet nodded along and then went back to silence for a while, until Steve saw that Eleanor was tapping her fingers repeatedly against the outer side of her thighs due to nervous energy, "El, you okay?".

Nat frowned slightly and turned around to check on her girlfriend, "Yeah, thanks Cap", she smiled, clearly deflecting the question, none of them were okay really, but that answer would have to be good enough for now, as they had quickly reached the city. 

The Younger Agent - Natasha Romanoff x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن